Saturday 7 May 2016

Subduing career-related concerns at college

     Nobody takes admission to a college without an aim. The aim is linked with your future. In other words, it is concerned about what you want to do in life. It will be a rather difficult thing to get a firm answer to this query. It has generally been seen that students harbour concerns related to the subjects that they have selected, whether the career path embarked upon is right or not and whether one’s career zeal will unfold or not. These issues have to be considered holistically and not as separate matters because of the inherent importance of each on the others.  
    It will be totally incorrect to say that there is no relationship between the subjects you study at college and the career that you eventually embark upon. There is surely great relevance Affirmations like these are not correct because whatever you study ought to be relevant to between what you study and what you will be doing in the years to follow after your studies are over. Therefore, the subjects that you take up in college should be in harmony with your career appeal, predisposition and passion. For example, if you have decided to take geography as an elective at college based on your interest, you ought to be focussing on careers in forestry, environmental science, hydrology, meteorology or satellite imagery; it would be ridiculous if you seek a career in computer sales.  
     Before deciding on the stream or subjects that you should be opting for at college, you need to be sure that you are on the right track. To be able to find that out, the first and foremost activity that you should engage yourself in is researching and digging into minutiae. It is recommended that you make inquiries about the subjects that you intend studying at college. This implies that you should delve into various job prospects available to you on completion of your studies. It is necessary that you get to know people who had similar subjects and careers that they embarked upon. A study of their lifestyle and schedule would give you an idea about what you would be doing in future.  
    After carrying out some basic research, you must meet people and gain first-hand experience. Personal meetings with selected people will give you a practical acquaintance about things in store for you. Such people could well be alumni of your college. When you interact with such people, you will be able to determine the plusses and minuses of their careers; and also what is fascinating and what is disgusting. If you tag along them for some duration of time, you will be able to have a fair amount of idea about your future routine and schedule. Based on the subjects elected and the career option they offer, it is always a good idea to go through a short job familiarization capsule. Depending upon the time at your disposal, you can enrol for such programmes on weekends or even during holidays.  
    Actions like above will equip you with an adequate knowledge base to facilitate a tangible perception on the suitability of the subjects that you have elected to pursue at college. You can always take remedial measures at any stage and decide to change the subjects of your study. Should such a recourse not be possible, you can always bring about relevant alterations. Worst come to worst, you may have to take a break from the session in progress; a year lost now will inevitably get recompensed if you land up in the correct job subsequently and make advancements in it.  
    It should be appreciated that discovering one’s career passion is a long drawn-out process. You could well be in close proximity to it, but yet getting to discover it could be years away. This is perhaps the reason why many individuals switch over careers even after having gone through one for a decade or two. In the light of the foregoing, the issue is discovering your career passion. You must appreciate that every individual is suited for more than one model career and it is next to impossible discerning different career paths that are in harmony with your passion. A break of a couple of days should be made use of for the following:  
· Career counselling: There are innumerable institutes and on line arrangements for career assessments. You may be harbouring some thoughts and these tests will invariably substantiate them. However, occasionally few strikingly novel ideas do break the surface, particularly when each test leads to configurations bearing close linkages to one another.
· Contemplation: The next step is to look inwards and single out your capabilities and vulnerabilities. The aim is to identify your strong and weak points; and catalogue different activities that you like and dislike. Your answers to the queries pertaining to your hobbies, skills, impelling factors, principles, that you stand for and goals that you want to achieve in life will indicate to you the shape of things to follow.
· Cataloguing findings: The final step is to arrange all your findings cogently. The best way to do this is by cataloguing items that you feel you are good at, take delight in doing and cause others to look up to you. Having done so, seek information about careers where your plus-points are much sought after and where your expertise and talent can be made best use of.
      Under no circumstances, you should leave your career concerns at college unaddressed. If you do so, you are playing with your future. In order to ensure that your future is secure, there is no alternative to preparation for it straight away. And there is no better preparation than studying subjects that appeal to you and recognizing in advance the career that is your cup of tea!

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