Friday 3 June 2016

The knack of career planning

Career planning puts one on a track on which one's objectives are positioned. The effort and time that go in career planning are worth their weight in gold; and should be undertaken prior to the commencement of a job hunt. When you do career planning, any and all doubts that you may have with regar to your career objectives are automatically put to rest. .
A large majority of people are unable to proceed beyond the initial stages of career planning. The environment today is saturated with job options and specializations. Each one of them proffers varying benefits - money, security, easy life, glamour and the like. Be they administrative jobs or technical assignments, financial controllers or journalists,fine arts or soldiery - all of them tend to confuse.
One is always prompted to ask if he or she is suitable for a particular job or whether it will provide success or not. After a round of evaluation of various career alternatives, one may infer that none of them are suitable. Such feelings of uncertainty and doubt are quite natural  during the initial stages. And this is where some career planning will be of great advantage. There are two ways to take off.
The first method involves ascertaining one's inclinations that are invariably followed in letter and spirit, inherent risks involved in doing so notwithstanding. The second one is aimed to discern various impelling factors that are pertinent and the types of careers that offer what one seeks; and developing capabilities to pursue them.
Whichever method one adopts, the end result is the same - attaining something that has been sought. While in the first method, the path by itself is very satisfying and provides a sense of achievement. Several people may offer a negative viewpoint about it, though there are an equal number that have benefited by giving shape to own inclinations. The second method one is required to display due diligence and caution to get what one seeks, something that is enunciated to be a result of efforts put in or the nature of assignment undertaken.
The point to be noted is that one should know one's actual worth - capabilities and vulnerabilities alike. It calls for an honest introspection. It entails sitting down with a cool mind and recording various attainments to one's credit, occasions when one's contributions have been acknowledged and assignments and projects that served as motivation to excel, to list a few. It will be seen that a set pattern will come to the fore, something that will be distinctively indicative of a career path that is most apt. The skills that went into the accomplishment of various tasks manifest a possible career choice because one would be able to put such expertise to good use therein.
The next step is to identify and record various factors that motivate one - those which would facilitate giving wings to dreams. It is important to be able to discern with a fair amount of accuracy where one stands on a scale where one extremity represents the personality that one is and the other the dream desire.
As the above discernment gets to become easy to see through, one would feel more selfassured and realize that a definite aim in life is emerging. One would be able to identify specific qualities that are likely to stand one in good stead in the journey ahead. A true image and reflection of a person would thus be visible along with traits that can be exploited.
Inclinations to work in a particular setup or the level of inspiration one possesses notwithstanding, one can also come to know careers that provide the remuneration one seeks or facilitate
If one gets pleasure traveling and visiting places and concurrently control serious business pursuits, then perhaps a job related to sales is ideal. One can even aspire to start a business venture or head a marketing department of a corporate setup. If one gets pleasure listening to music, such a job is not cut for him or her for obvious reasons.
Honesty is the best policy and there is no point in arriving at a hasty decision based on presumptions or limited information about a particular career. If one does so, one would repent         later and even be compelled to change the choice exercised. For example, if one desires to join the armed forces, the risks and disturbed family conditions associated with them need to be visualized and understood. An individual with a penchant for outdoor life would enjoy being in the armed forces. If that is not what one is cut out to be, looking for another option is strongly recommended.
It ought to be comprehended without doubt that only if one is at ease with one's job would one love it. And loving a job automatically impels a person to be devoted to it. Devotion to duty guarantees progression and fetches acknowledgement and rewards, which is human nature to desire.
Once one has elected to trudge a particular path, there is a need to acquire all allied skills. The qualitative and quantitative requirements of each career are different. If one endeavours to acquire the maximum of such competencies, there is no doubt that he or she stands a good chance to excel in that field. If one is able to understand the details and procedures of a job, which can be done best by way of acquiring additional qualifications and on-the-job training experience. He or she is in a better position to do justice to such an assignment.
Communication skills are also an equal factor for success in any career. They are inborn or contingent on upbringing, but can be developed as well. It is no wonder that organizations lay great emphasis on the need to be articulate, display good mannerisms and enjoy pleasant inter-personal skills. Soft skills, as these attributes are called, should be developed concurrently with career planning.
The crux of the issue is that if one has set an objective to be attained, there should be no haziness about it. And importantly, there should be no delay in embarking upon initiatives for accomplishing it. Neeless to state, one will have to work hard to obtain all proficiencies necessary to make possible a forward march. But taking the first step is the most significant aspect of the matter. 

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