Saturday 2 July 2016

Defeat generational conflict at workplace

We have centuries and centuries of traditions wherein any person who is elder, educated and erudite is respected. Age and knowledge however, have a direct relationship. But in recent times, this norm has been seen to be fading away, largely on account of immense technological process and globalization. Though experience is of significance, what matters most is how well you perform at work. In the light of the foregoing, ingenuity, flexibility and learning prowess have come to be regarded as prime movers for success. Therefore, people who have experience to their credit are losing out to people younger to them.
When a junior overtakes you, a shift of power and authority will always take place. And like all other shifts, this shift will generate some hostility because taking directions from someone younger and junior is not an easy task. There will be immense undercurrents of pressures and strains; and which, will make the younger employees unduly busy, despite their high morale, ingenuity and initiative. That is when workplace conflict takes birth.  
All conflicts are an outcome of differences in viewpoints, approaches and mind-sets. Elderly employees who hold decades of experience tend to suffer from feelings that their once-upon-a-time juniors and now their bosses are yet to acquit themselves and hence need to be more experienced to hold their current appointments. The young bosses are also seen as being impulsive, rash and irresponsible in their conduct. On the other hand, young bosses feel that the experience that the other category possesses is out of date and outmoded; they are of the view that superseded juniors are rigid in their approach and lack an –out-of-the-box thinking capability. Since they are elderly, they are reluctant to embark on ventures that call for toil or taking some risk.
The generational conflict that prevails cannot be precluded. However, if one was to keep organizational interests above everything else, there is no place for them. Ways and means to reduce tensions have to be found. Here are some time-tested recipes to reduce such tensions:
·   Be insightful & amenable: Age differences give rise to differences of disposition, outlook and mind-set towards both towards work and life alike. Both generations are morally obliged to be considerate and discreet in their dealings with each other. The younger lot has to exercise restraint more than their older friends - be they juniors or seniors. If it is understood that the oldies find it difficult to change and adjust, the problems stand greatly reduced. After all, no individual likes to be ordered around or treated like a shuttlecock. Having fortitude and staying power in your dealings coupled with showing due respect to age and experience will keep the machine well-oiled and going well.
·   Discard inflexibility & severity of approach: Opinions and stances apart, it would be presumptuous to state that all old employees are disdainful and not all young bosses are hardliners. Therefore, chauvinism and narrow-mindedness should be shed at all costs in all dealings. What is important is the fact that interpersonal relations should be viewed as associations between coworkers rather than juniors and seniors.
·   Don’t get involved in unnecessary confrontations: Memories should remain memories; the older lot should not unnecessarily keep talking of the past. People will respect your age and experience more if you cast off your haughty feelings and approach that people younger to you are less knowledgeable. On the other hand, the younger lot, particularly young bosses should also shed all apprehensions of the older lot as a cluster of opposition. Perhaps their confidence can be earned if due respect is shown to their age, experience and involvement.
·   Be broadminded & tolerant: Anybody, irrespective of his or her age or appointment should invariably be respected for their outputs. There is no denying the fact that the older lot has solid experience and steadiness to back them, whereas the younger lot is always bubbling with ingenuity and are better poised to address the complexities of today's fast-moving working milieu. Therefore, if both complement and supplement each other; and learning from each other is resorted to, the results can be zenithal.
·   Never let organizational interests suffer It should be remembered that everybody, young and old alike has to strive for maximum productivity so that organizational objectives are achieved.  You have to be clear about the larger picture and considering it, all efforts have to be made in a positive manner. Conflicts and differences therefore have no place at work.
Today, when all working atmospheres are prone to regard outputs by employees as important vis-à-vis their knowledge and experience, the need to overcome all conflicts and differences arising out of generational gaps cannot be downplayed. And that calls for special skills, understanding acumen and empathy. Develop these traits and you will not have any problems at your workplace.

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