Sunday 31 July 2016

Guard against job-search gaffes

Do you think that your job search endeavours are not potent enough? Do you feel that you should be actually going about with more ardour and zing in your endeavours? If yes, then you are not moving on the right career path and that the time is now ripe to eliminate all weaknesses fromyou’re your job search efforts.
Why do people fail to hit a good job opportunity? The major failings of a job search are:
·   Lack of make-up & restraint:  You should regard your job hunting efforts as an assignment by itself; this implies that you must accord the same seriousness as you would do for your job. Your efforts would entail carrying out fact-finding missions, meeting people, shooting applications and attending interviews. It is necessary that you put in place an arrangement to record all your activities so that you know precisely what you are doing and to discern what you need to do. You will find all such cataloguing highly beneficial when the final call or appointment letter reaches you.
·   Scarce research:  In most cases, if you send out an email to a company that you are not familiar with, the outcome will be negative. But if you are armed with appropriate facts and figures, the results will be the other way round. Your research will arm you with the desired potency to maintain focus on good organisations which are bound to make good use of your dexterity and knowledge. You will find that your hard work in your job hunting phase will generate a distinctive drive and help you to recognize opportunity areas. You will also become cognizant of your positive attributes and which, you can accordingly enumerate in your curriculum vitae. However, it is essential that you remain watchful of inappropriate jobs that are not your cup of tea. And most importantly, good research facilitates a better outlook and performance in an interview due to reasons of familiarity with company pursuits and reputation.
·   Bad resume:  Spelling and grammatical mistakes can be very upsetting for the person going through your resume. You have to make certain that your resume does not manifest any poor focus and that all your skills are appropriately reflected in it. You should make special efforts to highlight those qualities that are organisational imperatives. In other words, your resume should portray you well and suited for the job you are applying for. And in case you do not attach a good cover letter, you miss out in portraying your USPs, as a result, it may be likely that your case also misses out due deliberation.
·   Bad networking: Most people network only to promote themselves. They lose out on the long-term advantages that accrue from remaining in the umbra of your pursuits. Your objective in networking should be to have a sustainable contact base that can serve to promote your career and other interests. Networking is not be construed as a tool for only gaining employment; in fact, it should be a jump board for clutching new career opportunities and moving forward in life.    
·   Carelessness in pursuing applications:  No purpose will be served if you submit applications but do not pursue them. You must plan your line of action and ensure that it is implemented. Queries over the telephone or email to confirm receipt and consideration should invariably be resorted to. Subsequently, you can also put in a request for a meeting to facilitate a formal response. You can also keep the channels of communication going by forwarding informative mails that speak of your professionalism and interests.
· Poor performance in a job interview:  If you are called for an interview, then you are in the race. Therefore, if you slip-up in the interview, all your efforts go waste. It is essential that you avoid any action that could endanger your prospects and towards this, you need to prepare well so that you can respond to questions well. An interview is a test by itself and you have to keep your zeal pitched at a high level. While you have to ensure that you are not dismayed by condemnation, it is also necessary that whatever you speak manifests your strengths and positive approach. Going through an interview is a learned skill and there are no second chances to make a great first impression.  
A job search is primarily a professional exhibition of your self-confidence. You cannot afford to be casual or lax. That you are an applicant should never be forgotten. There are very thin dividing lines between self-confidence and rashness; modesty and shyness; and knowledge and professionalism. If you want your job search efforts to fructify, you need to envision and understand them well.   

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