Friday 5 August 2016

Focus on your job & do well

You are bound to experience disturbances and distractions at your home and workplace alike. It is not that you cannot engage yourself with any pursuit in peace, but because of disruption, it becomes a little difficult. You may be able to still manage to do things at home, but at your workplace, things indeed are easier said than done. Tea-break chitchats, corridor gossips and other office tête-à-têtes are bound to be off-putting. And if there is maintenance work going on or rearrangement in progress, the noises that you hear are in no way add more to the problems at hand.
Can you carry on with your assignments and acquit yourself well despite disturbances all around you? You need not be disheartened because you can, provided you plan your day in advance. If you schedule your work judiciously and maintain a calendar of all commitments, you will be able to figure out the time required for each activity throughout the day. In addition, you can also gauge your plus-points and weaknesses, based on which you can accelerate your work. You will thus know in advance issues that you should engage in or focus on. And if you find that there is time at your disposal for a break, you can always dovetail that in your work schedule appropriately.
The best way to schedule your day is to make a timetable, something that we all did at school when examinations were round the corner. Assign different tasks to yourself on an hourly basis. You will thus be doing different work and thus remain focused reasonably well.
Another important point is to not take your work as a liability. Let your job offer you happiness and delight. The tendency to grumble and criticize without much reason is something that knocks off devotedness. To make a criticism is a bit like complaining about the shape of the Pyramids. If you want to remain focused on your job, you must then know to derive enjoyment and delight from it.
Take your mind back to your school days. Didn't we exert ourselves the maximum to get noticed? Didn't we try to excel so that teachers and classmates felt impressed? There was no monetary prize for which we worked; it was all about securing good marks and in the process getting recognized. A pat on the back was perhaps all that one aspired for. Logically speaking, similar inducements and encouragements exist at the workplace. However we tend to ignore and neglect them, primarily because the lure of money weighs up on our minds more than anything else.
If we were to adopt the same attitude as we had when at school, we would be able to stay focused on our work and perform better. We will still get shows of approbation from our subordinates, colleagues and seniors alike. Experiencing such praise and admiration further help in remaining focused on work. We should remember that an invincible determination can accomplish almost anything and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men. A large number of our colleagues meet with failure because of their inability to remain focused on their jobs.
This brings us to the issue of freewill. Extremely difficult to learn from anybody else, it has   to come from within. Men and women who wile away their time at coffee vending machines and yours too by detaining you in purposeless corridor conversation perhaps do not realize their aimlessness. If you were to introspect and take a decision that come what may, you will not deviate from your focal point, your fortitude and resolve will register an upswing. In fact, your grit will manifest itself as your second nature. Monotony and boredom, if any will automatically get pushed to a dark corner.
Your daily work schedule will not be devoid of difficulties, challenges and stress. Such factors will slow down your advance towards the attainment of your objectives and make a dent on your inspiration level. However, if you carry out self-appraisals periodically and understand the logic of your job, you will be able to focus your vigour on your work. Concurrently, you should imagine yourself reaping gains of your labour; by doing so, you will put in additional effort, which, is indicative of your focus. It is all about making a portrait of your aspirations; if it is complete, you will consciously and unconsciously are focused on attaining it.
It is very important to let the surprise and awe in your job continue to cling on to you. If you derive satisfaction and happiness from the work that you are doing, your motivation will impel you to finish all pending assignments. You will look forward to new challenges and tackle them intelligently. In the bargain, your move in the correct direction stands facilitated ensured. Remember that micro-level originalities and creativity will always total up to larger products. Therefore, if you formulate objectives for yourself, you will be able to remain on the correct course and concurrently be able to visualize the proximity enjoyed by you in their attainment.
Finally, if you do well or come out with flying colours, you must make it a point to indulge in some merry-making. When you do that, you maintain your focus and initiative in all your endeavours. Maintaining your focal point implies being firmly entrenched and concentrated at your current position and engagement.

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