Friday 26 August 2016

Making the best of working life after fifty

Not everybody in the army becomes a general. Likewise, everybody does not the reach the senior most position in his line of work. At some stage or the other, you realize that you have reached the highest point of your career and that any further ascent is not possible. This generally happens when one is around fifty, after which, one realizes the significance of life and work.
Things that used to be there in the past do not exist today. New technologies and methodologies come into play at workplaces on a continual basis; somebody who is elderly may or may not be conversant with all of them. In today's world, nobody sits idle and adjustment is essential to be able to carry on deriving pleasures from life.
A person who is past fifty years of age needs to be really flexible. It is only then that he will be able to adjust in a fast-moving world. The following tips in this regard can be of immense help:
·   Be mentally & physically active: Elderly workers face impediments of sorts and the best way to overcome them is by being physically and mentally robust. You must include exercise in your daily routine and make efforts to always have an upbeat and optimistic approach to life as a whole.
·   Know yourself: You should know yourself – your character, qualities and traits - and your requirements to facilitate contentment and glee. This knowledge is the means to arrive at a fine career decision.
·   Contemplate & reflect: In all likelihood, because of your busy schedule so far, you were unable to weigh up various aspects of your life. Many elderly people suffer from remorse for what they did or were unable to do; therefore, now that you are free, you should mull over how you want to keep yourself occupied in the years to follow.
·   Be realistic & practical: Having lived nearly three-quarters of your life, you cannot now dream to become the Prime Minister of the country. Hence, you should set for yourself reasonable objectives so that you stand the chances of reaping the advantages that follow their attainment.
·   Reach out to help others: You should be aware of your plus points and the fact that your experience can benefit others. Hence, now is the apt time to also understand that you too can derive advantages from extending assistance to others. Seeking help from career therapists can facilitate your endeavour.
·   Boost self-realization: People over fifty frequently talk about the significance of the need to make best use of their expertise and its improvement. There is nothing wrong in this as achieving mastery over own skills is always an ongoing process for everybody.
·   Value youngsters: You should recall how, as a youngster you were full of vim and the relief you got when someone more experienced came to your rescue in crisis situations. It is now your moral obligation to appreciate youngsters and help them out because you also need them.
·   Deal with anxieties: All amendments and alterations have inherent hassles and pressures. You should be candid enough to discuss the changes being experienced by you with members of your family, relatives and friends; seeking their help can be of immense use.
·   Don't be materialistic: You have acquitted yourself in life and made a good earning. Though money ought not to be your sole focus, you still need it to live your life well. However, you need to concentrate more on your individual contentment, developing your unfulfilled passions and playing a useful social role.
·   Make use of your networking: Remember that now you cannot walk your post-50 career path all by yourself. You would have made many friends in your career span and seeking their help for additional facts and data will pay you rich dividends.
·   Be flexible: Over a period of time, you would have become accustomed to certain ways and means of doing things. Now that you are out of such an environment, a rigid approach can render you incompatible. You must discover newer methods to fine-tune yourself.
·   Don't discount anything: You should now not consider the possibility of a regular nine-to-five job. Options such as being a mentor or taking up a part-time job or even self-employment are feasible alternatives to realize your pecuniary requirements. Of course, remaining in a permanent job is always desirable.
Your life as a person who has seen the world for half a century or more can turn out to be the most valuable occurrence if you are sure of what you can do and what you can achieve; and do not pay much heed to anything else. You should lend a helping hand to others and strive to be the best individual. In this way, you will remain contented and continue to enjoy your family life, something perhaps that you missed in the last twenty five or thirty years. 

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