Tuesday 27 September 2016

Be innovative & don’t rust in your current post

Do you eat the same stuff for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day? Do you wear the same clothes day in and day out? Evidently, you don’t. When the sun rises and people wake up, they are rejuvenated, full of new ideas and brimming with hopes to engage themselves in doing something exclusive. Now, a disposition like that helps them overcome boredom and boost self-confidence.
Therefore, there is one thing that everybody needs to do – you have to get rid of lethargy and indolence from your job. But you have to be cautious enough and ensure that your values and principles are not compromised. Surveys conducted have indicated that if at all people trail behind, it is less because of their lack of ability and sincerity but more because of their inability to perform smartly.
What exactly is smart performance at work? It means being ingenious and pioneering. In the practical sense, you need to shed all rigidity so that you can build up on your value increase. It should be remembered that on the career front if one does a particular thing frequently or continually in a similar fashion, he or she is branded as mundane. Needless to say, the career graph of such individuals takes a downward plunge.
As in marketing, there is nothing that can enjoy a rapid growth from the word ‘Go’. Initially things are always slow, though they can be steady. It is after some time that they gather momentum and after being in limelight, things again get to become dull. If at all there are deviations from this, it is on account of innovative techniques adopted for marketing. At work too, it is essential to be creative. Such an approach will provide an impetus to one’s inspiration and enthusiasm. An environment like this, if created will facilitate figuring out newer methods of performing at work and which will be of immense help to others as well.
Imaginative ideas have brought about intensely optimistic and constructive transformations in many people’s lives. The sky is the limit as far as innovative propositions are concerned. Have you ever seen what keeps customers occupied at a barber’s shop as they wait for their turn? You’ll always find magazines and newspapers there. But you cannot have them at a restaurant. Availability of reading material at barber shops boosts the earnings of the barbers in their own small way because even if there is a rush, a customer settles down to read instead of going to another salon.
Revolutionary ideas apart, ideas that are novel and ground-breaking may need some assistance from others for their naissance. It is not a bad idea to organize deliberations and discussions so that original ideas come up. The venue can well be anywhere – workplace or the home, depending who the participants are. While at the workplace, the partakers could be peer groups and subordinates, at home the list could include members of the family, relatives and friends. Much that people would not believe, these ‘luminous’ endeavours definitely give rise to wheedle out highly inspired and ingenious thoughts, proposals and plans. And the best part of the entire thing is that the benefits of such exercises cannot be fathomed without indulging in them. 
The above notwithstanding, it is absolutely inescapable to comprehend that inventiveness, as distinct from resourcefulness is not a magic formula that can be applied by uttering abracadabra. Nor is it a recipe that can be followed step by step. The fact is that creativity is a two-way effort and a joint one at that which is required to be indulged in by every individual at the workplace. It is only then that workplace output will rise. You may come out with a plan or line of action. Mere implementation of the same is not going to yield results. You will have to be on the lookout for certain specific indications that prove that things are working fine.  And if at all there happen to be any obstacles in execution, alternative plans should invariably be in place.
In order to be successful, one has to learn to live with various workplace-related environmental changes that are taking place across the globe. There is a specific need to keep abreast with technological advancements and general knowledge.
One can be pioneering and novel alright, but to put such novelties into practice, there are some unavoidable essentials. You need to have in place combined and mutually-acceptable visualization, justification and line of action amongst all those who would be involved in the execution of a project. All key individuals should have an innovative point of view and regard changes that take place as positive developments. It should be appreciated that all innovative ideas are generally simple and easy to comprehend but their outcomes are relatively difficult identify with.
The crux of the entire issue is that ground-breaking ideas of ground-breaking people have twin paybacks. They have a monumental impact on the very existence of people as far as their professional life is concerned. It also assists organizations in netting good outputs and profits. It is a foregone conclusion that when this happens, people who bring it about do not rust. 

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