Friday 16 September 2016

Make it big in your life

Everybody wants to make it big in life. But most of them cannot make it a reality because they simply cannot articulate themselves happen for the simple reason that they cannot express themselves in a pragmatic sense. All successful men and women always dream big; they imagine their own future in detail and then work hard on a continuous basis to attain what they dreamt for themselves.
 How can you make it big in life? The prerequisite to it is having adequate nerve to chase your dreams. And when you have it in you, there is no stopping from reaching for the stars. A large majority of people encase their dreams, leave everything to chance and then wait for them to actualize. Off and on, something favourable may unfold and perhaps that is the only time when matters could be re-assessed. But regrettably, the dreams remain encased. The lot of people who are bold and plucky who really work to realize their dreams is few. Some factors on which a determination to make true one’s dreams are:
·   Explicit objectives and feeling of sureness with regard to their attainment.
·   Unequivocal visualization of the goals proposed to be attained.
·   Longing, fervour and resolve.
·   Repudiation of qualms related to failures.
Not many people are able to meet the above qualitative requirements. It is also unfortunate that many people are oblivious of the fact that success is also governed by some rules that cannot be violated. People thus admit defeat without ever making an attempt to contest an odd. Such a disposition needs to be guarded against. Working towards the attainment of one’s dreams is tough alright, but not necessarily a dreadful affair. There is enjoyment, excitement and satisfaction too, but the road that you decide to move on has to be the right one. You need to be mentally robust to apply your knowledge to prevalent situations and derive maximum benefits.
Picturing and simultaneous reiteration of avowals constitute mental exertions. They are important steps forward towards making it big in life. Mental exertions coupled with positive thinking mobilize your mental faculties for attaining your objectives. Windows of opportunities thus come your way. There are several ways and means available to condition your mind to move in the right direction. Many people discard such options but those who do not invariably achieve good results in their life because their latent strengths, determinations and self-assuredness register an upward swing. An important point to note is that you need to not pay much attention to outside influences and considerations; all that needs to guide you is your brainpower.
Like an opportunity, success does not follow a candid methodology. It surfaces in various forms, some astounding and the others run-of-the mill. Occasionally, success appears as a simple notch, wherein a gate opens; it is up to the individual concerned to gain an access and derive benefits. A proper comprehension and pursuit of the foregoing leads to greater aspirations, greater stimulation and greater inspiration, which all boost success probabilities. It should not be forgotten that there are both gigantic and minute objectives, the latter also encompassing daily goals; both these categories stand better chances of success if visualized and avowed.
More often than not, but mistakenly though, people tend to assume that objectives imply big objectives only, like possessing immense wealth, acquiring assets and enlarging businesses. The fact is that punctuality, striking a balance between personal and professional lives, pursuing hobbies, entertainment and good health, just to name some of them, are equally significant.
But how does one conceptualize and avow? There are, for certain some dogmas that need to be followed. But these cannot be codified. One has to be more than ready to brave trouble and discomfort. It is only if you are plagued with these that you would be trouble-free and comfortable. The going can be tough but then it is a small price to pay to achieve a dream. And when the going gets tough, it is the tough who get going.
All dreams per se are visions and if they are worthy of accomplishment, are well worth the effort and pain that may be involved to make them come true. Dreams may at first appear to be unreasonable and impractical, but when you work hard to make them into a reality, they get transformed into essential attainable objectives. This is so because dreams comprise aspirations and opportunities that can be seized any time. 
The fact is that if a person can dream, he can be active. And if he can be active, he can perform well to eventually succeed. Therefore, the golden rule ought to be to never give up on a dream just because its realization is time-consuming. You have to keep your head and heart going on the correct course. Your feet will consequentially take care of themselves and be in tune with everything that goes in to make dreams come true. 

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