Friday 14 October 2016

Be a workplace superstar

There is nobody who does not want to do well at work and be regarded as a workplace superstar. And if you ask anybody for an advice, you will be told to be self-motivated, innovative, work hard and display cordiality towards others. Well, these are pearls of wisdom alright, but they need to be polished further so that you have definite approach to place you on a sound footing. 

You can attain the top-point of your distinction and merit by harbouring a strong willpower to succeed. It is important that you be an example of excellence, if you want to be prominent and noticeable. Some ways to change your status from one of repute to one of a superstar are: 
  • Be creative without being stressed:  Your efforts should be directed to become productive without remaining needlessly busy. An understanding of the foregoing is vital to excelling at your work. Working excessively is not necessarily a measure of your efforts; what is of significance is the result that you are able to deliver.   
  • Anticipate criticism:  If you have to market any proposition to your co-workers, seniors and clients, you need to do your homework well so that you can clarify all doubts. In the light of the foregoing, you must always anticipate criticism and doubts; and make certain that they do not cow you down. 
  • Be considerate:  Your workplace success depends a lot on the congeniality of your workplace associations. The latter can be nurtured best by exhibiting feelings of compassion and consideration. To be successful and popular, you must have high regard for the views and emotions of others.
  • Appreciate others:  The best way to promote yourself is by indicating and appreciating the efforts of others. In this way, you will make them happy and endear them. 
  • Say ‘No’ whenever required:  Taking on more than one assignment concurrently is always counter-productive. You do justice neither to your work nor to yourself. It is essential that you possess the ability to say ’No’; when you do so, you set into motion productive conversations that will reveal your ability to accord priority to different matters and also lay down personal boundaries at work. 
  • Understand that your job is not forever:  Your current job is not eternally yours. If you realize this, you will always remain prepared for any possible occurrence in the eventuality of some other person entering the scene to replace you.  
  • Identify methodologies to attain your objectives: While any objective is an extraordinary item that you would desire to achieve, the methodology is how you intend to do so. All objectives are per se limiting, but methodologies bring about results and therefore make you feel everlastingly victorious. 
  • Handle apprehensions nose to nose:  If you put off notifying any letdown or blunder, you will be doing more damage to yourself. You should not evade handling problems straight; this will help you in your career advancement. 
  • Be attention-grabbing:  Men and woman who are suave and adroit are not necessarily assured of success. You need to have a good mishmash of tangible and matching expertise. If you are capable of being the focus of attention, it invariably tends to make you extraordinary and incomparable.
  • Be a good communicator:  Communication skills are a precondition to success; hence it is indispensable that your spoken and written expressions are imposing. You may talk on any subject; your knowledge and delivery apart, the timings of your delivery are very important. Strong communications skills are what will give you recognition and appreciation; and be an instrument for your climb-up. 
  • Keep time up your sleeves:  Effective time management implies having time for all issues. If you have one to two hours cushion time on a daily basis, you can utilize it as a breather or for any pending work. However, it is important that you allow yourself less time to complete any task and shed any apprehension about your inability to do so. 
  • Maintain a good work-life balance:  Beyond a certain level, work pressures impact your efficiency. It is therefore, important that you allocate sufficient time for your rest so that you can bounce back well. You should also take to a good exercise regimen to remain physically and mentally robust.   

Your contentment and happiness at work is defined by your excellence. It is necessary that you do not forget that a determined and resolute you is a must to be successful; and that it is your hard work that will pay you dividends. Therefore, you cannot afford to sideline matters that concern your wellbeing; you must allocate adequate time slots for them in your schedule. If remain intelligently focused on your work and direct sincere efforts towards it, there is nothing that can stop you from being a workplace megastar.

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