Friday 14 October 2016

Chronicle your own career success

When people reflect over success stories of others, for a moment they are plagued with some sort of envy. There is nobody who does not yearn for that promising minute when dreams get converted into realities. Life, with its undulating path also in it some luck and that is why each and every one who chases dreams cannot accomplish them. And those who are able to make their dreams materialize are viewed as successful people.
To be successful, you should have a resolve to succeed and work hard to do so. People who seek to be successful and make it big invariably work in harmony with their passions, objectives and capability to acquit well in a competitive environment. They invariably discard ideas that limit their freedom and take recourse to other options. First and foremost, you have to seek self-approval to move in the direction of attaining your objectives. Later, when you are able to create positive situations for yourself, you will start moving on the road to success.  
Your luck is plain and simple an issue of luck, but it should be remembered that the initiative to be on its lookout and then clinch it also has to come from you. This can be best done if you try to be like successful people. You will thus be a generator of your own luck. It has been seen that all successful people have some inherent qualities that makes success kiss their feet. An amplification of these attributes are:
  • Enterprise & self-confidence: You have to be self-assured, you have to be daring. You have to be bold, you have to be fearless. And all these qualities entail being venturesome, but concurrently also have a crisis management plans to cater to various adverse contingencies that may crop up. Most people adopt a cautious approach and also make cautious decisions. But the venturesome lot takes bold decisions and plays with risks, simultaneously making plans for risk management. You need not presuppose things because that will cause you to make wrong decisions. However, you must appreciate probabilities, both positive and negative; and take actions that the former are used to your advantage. It should be remembered that risks should be undertaken only if you anticipate positive developments. You will require a fairly big data base and plan to initiate some actions straight away. Whenever there is any risk involved, the tendency is to either participate in or desist from it. Like what successful do, you should also first assess and then make a decision. Your prime focus should be to arrive at the best decision and if at all it entails risks, it ought to be arrived at with due diligence.  
  • Buoyancy & hopefulness: Every successful person will tell you that you should maintain a positive outlook at all times because it boosts your chances of good performance. A positive outlook is an outcome of a positive environment, both at your workplace and outside. It is therefore necessary that keep company with positive people, remind yourself of your fortes dand come out victorious after your introspection. Remember that even a minor downbeat thought can be very damaging to your career as it will always play on your subconscious mind and weaken render your endeavours feeble. But the issue is how do you make the environment positive? It is recommended that you engage in dignified and righteous activities so that people around you get motivated. However, given the world what it is, you have to guard against others taking advantage of you. The encouraging point is that your positive outlook invariably serves to beat people who indulge in unhealthy competition with you. 
  • Simplicity & Honesty: Anybody who has a tendency to complicate things for others has vested interests. They are selfish and sooner or later, get exposed; and their careers get stalled. But simplifying matters is a difficult task per se. If you simplify matters, your luck also shines. Here again the issue that crop up is can you make simplicity in your dealings count? First and foremost, you have to be guided by a rationale. You cannot afford to rely on everyone and when you give them deadlines, they should be attainable and guided by a set of principles that reflect your character. You should seek an answer from yourself if you can survive with the severest consequences of your demands. It is also essential that you understand others and what they mean and think about you. Your vision should not be narrow but all-inclusively long-term. What is important is not to always rely on self-evaluation; in fact your evaluation should be based on what others think of a matter in question. Remember that  cheerfulness and buoyancy are always brought about by intense sanguinity for certain, but not by it alone. You have to be proactive and keep working and pushing things. No fruitful outcome will be possible if you simply keep thinking that things will turn out in your favour. The decisions that you make cannot be based on sheer dreams alone; on the contrary, they should be arrived at only on the basis of concrete evidence to include past patterns and the resources that you hold.  

In any pursuit or assembly, there are two elements – crucial in limited numbers and inconsequential in large numbers. It is the former that is instrumental in making things happen, but at the same time the significance of the latter cannot be totally discarded. Whatever you feel is an important matter should be handled by you and the rest by others. But taking intelligent risks cannot be avoided. If you don’t take risks, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

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