Friday 21 October 2016

Don't decline a temporary job offer

    • When a person seeks a job, he wants it to be his or hers till such time desired. In other words,
      nobody wants to take up a temporary job. Jobs which are not permanent and even those that are
      likely to continue indefinitely are viewed with a lot of doubt. Uninviting and unpopular,
      temporary jobs are seen as dull and boring.
      Any apprehension about a temporary job is unfounded. They should be viewed as stepping
      stones for permanent appointments; and in any case they are not honorary placements because at
      the end of the month, you get paid for your work. Temporary jobs can be used to your advantage
      because of several reasons; major ones are:
      Your resume gets a beef-up: Resume deterioration is a problem that affects the job prospects
      of unemployed people. If you remain without a job for long, it is but natural that your focus
      will be on finding an employment. A part of the time that you spend on hunting for a job could
      well be used to take up any employment; the job search can carry on concurrently. In this way,
      the issue of a gap in your resume will not arise. You grasp the basics of any establishment and
      when you get into a permanent job later, you will stand out amongst others because of your
      knowledge and familiarity. It goes without saying you will also acquire new skills and improve
      upon your existing ones. Temporary jobs are opportunities to earn and offer work experience
      that can made use of in your subsequent employments. Remember that your resume is a sort of
      an advertisement for your skills and proficiency and any experience and knowledge mentioned
      therein will serve your interests better and boost up prospects of getting a permanent job.
      You get trained to stand out: Contrary to general belief, no temporary job is without
      accountability, though in some organizations, it could well be rather stress-free. You need to
      appreciate that it could show the way to a better job. It is not that a temporary employee is not
      assessed. Your competence and comprehension of work together with your displayed traits and
      general outlook will invariably be under watch. Therefore, you must make use of the
      opportunity that a temporary job offers; you never know that seeing your adeptness, you can be
      absorbed in the same organization as a permanent employee. Remember hat luck is nothing but
      an encounter between preparation and opportunity. Temporary placements also offer you a
      chance to network with people and hence the level of trust that you build with them can prove
      to be highly beneficial to you in subsequent years because the likelihood of any of them being
      detailed to recruit new people cannot be discounted.
      You gain experience: You will always feel the impermanency attached to your provisional
      placement, come what may. It is essential that you acknowledge this; it will also help you to
      shed all rigidity that you may otherwise want to be attached to your disposition and attitude.
      Even if working conditions are severe and demanding, the gut feeling that you are not here
      forever will serve to relax you. The most important point is that during initial stages of their
      employment, very few people are clear in their minds about their career and life objectives. In
      the light of the foregoing, any temporary job is a good method to experience and understand
      different job conditions. Academic qualifications do matter but the main source of knowledge
      is experience per se and whatever knowledge you gain while at a temporary job will stand you
      in good stead in the times to come. Remember that experience is like a fortunate grindstone;
      rather than get ground, it is better to get enlightened by it.
    • 2
      You earn money: There is no denying the fact that money makes the mare go. Though this
      should not be the singularly important factor, but it is a significant one; and hence you should
      have no reservations in accepting a temporary placement to get the money that you need.
      Like money, good jobs do not come easily and without effort. If feasible and workable
      options do not come your way, getting into a provisional placement is an excellent method to
      make some money. If you are still at college, you can take on an evening job; alternatively, you
      can also work during day and attend evening classes.
      It is possible that you do not feel very happy with a temporary placement. You can always
      view it as a bright opening to get into a dynamic mode for attaining your objectives that you set
      for yourself. And if you have been able to set the correct bearing on your compass, all you need
      to do is to keep moving in that direction.

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