Tuesday 22 November 2016

Step up the ladder

A promotion is something that implies career progression and more money in your hand; it also adds on to your resume by way of additional experience to your credit. With sky-high expenditures and rising costs of living, a promotion thus is always welcome. However, no promotion comes with ease. You need to be highly motivated and have a resolute disposition to earn one.
There is nobody who does not harbour an aspiration for a promotion. But not everybody gets it. So, how do you go about in achieving that much-desired advancement in your organization? Some time-tested tips that will stand you in good stead are:
  • Up our believability:  You will never get a promotion if your boss does not recommend you for it; he has to approve you and your work. And for that, it is essential that you create the right impact on him and satisfy him with regard to your proficiency and integrity. This is possible only if you work hard, meet deadlines and keep organizational interests above everything else. It is possible to achieve all this by not being unnecessarily over in your activities. However, you will have to engage yourself in some self-promotion too so that you do not go unnoticed. If your seniors see you working hard, they will appreciate you. Working hard entails  going about your work in a methodical, delegating work to your subordinates where required and seeking advice and assistance from others. These actions may prove to be quite difficult and cause you immense pressures and strains. But you should maintain your poise so that your value is recognized and credibility established. 
  • Don't talk ill of your boss: Your efforts should not be limited to boost your image alone. they should also make certain that the reputation of your boss also registers a boost. This can be done only by having an upbeat outlook towards your work and applying yourself at it with due care and conscientiousness. During your daily interactions with colleagues and juniors, you must speak of his capabilities and that how working with him is a learning experience. You should be on the lookout for a chance to be part of any special assignment that he may be working on. The crux of the matter is to direct your efforts to provide your best output; if you are noticed, your boss will feel good and will be more than willing to recommend a rise for you.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for a promotion when due:  There is no harm in making your demand for a promotion known. You can seek an appointment with your boss and convince him that you have been working hard and to the satisfaction of all; and hence deserve a promotion. However, it is necessary that the reasons that you cite for a promotion should be fact-based, genuine and in harmony with your performance. You have to be clear-headed, cogent, and convincing so that the person sitting across the table sees your enthusiasm and willingness to learn or improve. Under normal circumstances, promotions are announced at fixed times of the year, but if your bosses are is pleased with your work, they will not hesitate to give you one when you put up your case.
  • Indulge in self-promotion to get a promotion:  The best method to ensure that your name figures in the promotion list is by doing your best, working hard and making useful contributions to your company’s growth. It is essential that you do not confine you're work to your laid-down charter of duties; you will have to go much beyond them for gaining recognition for your proficiency. You working style has to indicate your genuine disposition towards hard work and also substantiate your case for a promotion. You could make yourself available for extra tasks and volunteer to help your boss too in the discharge of his duties. And it is of paramount importance that you help your colleagues also because such efforts come to the notice of your seniors. In addition, it is absolutely right to put in additional working hours occasionally to help others. And most importantly, you should never violate laid-down rules and regulations related to dress-codes, punctuality norms and all working parameters to be recognized as a good employee..

A promotion is given to individuals who work hard and contribute to the growth of their organization. When your hard work is acknowledged, you stand a better chance to be promoted. You should not forget that it will be your zeal and wholeheartedness towards your work that will always stand you in good stead. After all, you were hired because you were considered fit to meet your company’s hopes and calculations; and for a promotion, you need to far exceed them.

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