Saturday 10 December 2016

Control your workplace sensitivity

Work can prove to be a vexatious experience and to cope with workplace pressures, you have to be physically and mentally robust. You may think that there is nothing wrong with you apparently, but you could be suffering internally as a result of which, your career will take a beating. You will thus deprive yourself of job satisfaction.
Although different ideas and opinions in the workplace can result in imaginative solutions and breakthroughs, mistrust and tension can also be a byproduct. When co-workers have misgivings  or do not enjoy cordial relations amongst themselves, work output will take a beating to an extent that the working environment can become hostile, at times leading to workplace conflict.  Those in supervisory roles such as team leads, project managers and human resources representatives can overcome mistrust and tension in the workplace by exercising control over their sensitivities at work so that understanding, communication and positive interactions are facilitated.
There will be many people, men and women alike who are not happy with their current jobs or respective careers. Therefore, if you happen to be one of them, it is essential that you control your sensitivity at work. You simply cannot afford to keep your tensions confined within your own self. What is important is that you need to be passionate about your work, even when the going is tough or working conditions not in your favour. And if you feel exasperated, take it that you will find achieving your career goals a very difficult proposition. 
Here is how you can keep your workplace sensitivity in check:
  • Harbour a positive disposition:   There will be ascents and descents and bumpy and smooth rides in your career. Smooth rides will evidently trigger off additional verve, but bumpy rides will exhaust you. You will need to modify your attitude. Do you know that the greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude?
  • Don't stick to irrelevant principles:   Your principles and convictions indeed steer you on your career path. If what you deem is at variance with what you do, it is unlikely that you will move forward. You have to compulsorily suppose that you harbour soaring oomph. If your beliefs are irrelevant discard them to convert your individual personality into a robust one.  
  • Say goodbye to animosity & enmity:  Resentment and rage are common feelings, but hanging on to them drains you out. If you do not gnash your teeth, you will be inclined to condone things; the outcome will be a proclivity to bank on positivity. Take a decision to control your temper. Remember that an angry man opens his mouth but shuts his eyes.
  • Don't indulge in blame-games:   We have a propensity to shirk work and if things go off beam, we are quick to hold others responsible. You should stay away from passing the buck and instead learn from mistakes. You will realize that you will experience growth and advancement. A point to bear in mind is that if you point a finger at anybody, there will be three pointing towards you too.
  • Fix on good alternatives: Your career will be loaded with options, some influential and some restraining. You have to fix on the better options and this will transform you into a more bouncy individual. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible, you will disconnect yourself from what you truly want and all that will be left is compromise.
  • Change over to a new job:   You would know if your work boosts your get-up-and-go or bleeds you dry. If people stick on to their jobs even if they do not like them, their lone prompting factor is uncertainty. Uncertainty is bound to destine you to languish. If you do not want to pine away, you should decide to switch over to another job.

You may go about your work the way you want, unless you work hard, display a high degree of devotion to duty and remain resolute in your approach, you will never acquit yourself well. You will always have success elude you. It is necessary that you should not be unduly worried about being successful but on the contrary, exert yourself to whatever duties are assigned to you.

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