Saturday 14 January 2017

Evoke admiration at your new job from Day 1

When you take up an employment, the initial months there are very crucial. The fact about them is that during this period, you are establishing yourself to facilitate a correct career direction. Therefore, your aim should be to work hard and come out with flying colours in all your endeavours. It goes without saying that having a clear-cut purpose is invariably the foundation of all attainments that follow.
Getting a job is an achievement by itself and merits a pat on the back. Therefore, it is essential that you do not falter on your word given to your employers during your job interview. Your output has to match with your obligations. Five simple methods that can help you embed yourself and evoke admiration at your new job are:
  • Remain apprised of your future: If you seek to excel yourself at work, you should have no doubts about your charter of duties. Many men and women blunder by falling for high-sounding appointments and are unable to fathom the precise responsibilities they are required to shoulder. It is essential that you are acquainted with the pecking order of your organisation in general and your immediate seniors in particular beside your co-workers. You may have replaced somebody and if possible you should seek to identify work areas that were not addressed or where he or she blundered. A likely interaction with your predecessor will help you understand how to take necessary corrective measures. You should also be clear about various parameters of assessment and reporting so that you keep them in mind while applying yourself at work. There will be some people who may find your inquisitiveness a bit unacceptable, but you should not be bothered about them because eventually it is going to stand you in good stead. 
  • Plan well: Any objective that you set for yourself is all on paper unless you go about planning to attain it and then work hard towards its accomplishment. Your initial weeks at your job should also be spent in charting your way forward. The route that you select should invariably indicate specific signboards in the form of assignments required to be completed and qualifications that need to be acquired. Evidently, such signboards should be placed at intervals of time. Your planning is required to be pitched at both high and low planes has so as to facilitate timely monitoring your progress. When you plan well, implying consideration all ifs and buts, you get to visualise the stage or position that you are making your way to. Any lack of knowledge about the direction in which you are moving will make you confused about that stage. You need to prioritise your plans too so that yo are able to find out the significance of different tasks and the time that you ought to be devoting to them.  You certainly cannot jump into the sea and then start taking lessons in swimming! 
  • Gear yourself by organising yourself: Organising yourself for your new job implies swotting all the findings you had about your company earlier. You could have been recommended specific studies too and you should do them with due seriousness. The team or section you get assigned to should be requested for all material that can prepare you to make useful contributions at the earliest. Organising yourself means planning all your future course of actions, particularly when your management has made clear what they expect from you. It will be appropriate if you reflect on your past performances to identify your weaknesses and ensure that past mistakes are not repeated. 
  • Don't wait to take off: When you are at work, there is no waiting area where you can park yourself. You should be in a position to start the discharge of your functions as early as possible. When you start all your functions, people will read you for your zeal, preparation and ability to persevere against all odds. And that is why it is necessary that you  dole out promises because your inability to keep your word can cost you dear. Your aim should be to perform well, perform fast and perform more so that an image of being efficient is transmitted to the general environment. It is also essential that you make certain that there is no deviation from the principles of morals and ethics in all your actions.
  • Be constantly alert to all happenings: The process of learning is an ongoing one audit is no way that you do not start from Day 1 of your career. It is necessary that you be flexible in your approach and start working at your new job with an openminded disposition. If you keep your wits about all things transpiring around you, it does not imply that you keep quiet. You can and you should raise queries so that all your doubts are clarified. If you try and practise what you did at your last job or emulate what others did at your previous work, it is quite possible that you will be building a hostile environment around you; even your friends and bosses are likely to develop some animosity towards you. The foregoing calls for frequent interactions and wherever required, going out of the way to help others.
The world is such that if you fail to give wings to your passion or give a structure to your dreams, there will be many who will use you to do that for them. That is why you should never let your dreams remain mere dreams; you must work hard to accomplish them in whatever way possible and to whatever extent possible. If you are determined to write your own success story, there cannot be any impediment in your efforts. Therefore, you must think and dream big; and  

When all your efforts are channelled through a common conduit for advancement, no condition can alter a single sentence of your success story! So, dream big and dream great! And more importantly, do not postpone working hard at your new job; start working from Day 1 so that you start getting acknowledged from Day 1 itself.

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