Monday 9 January 2017

Live the life you want to live

You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. This is the truth of life and hence it is essential that you live the life that you want to live. And that will be possible only if you make a correct career decision. Arriving at any decision is certainly not an easy task and making a career decision is surely a very thorny matter. One needs to understand that a work that is fulfilling and rewarding is never easy to lay hands on.
If you get prejudiced by rules, principles and customs in opting for a career that fails to inspire you, no blame can be apportioned on you. Regarding any employment as employment is seen as the best mainstay in the world of today. Customary practices are always tricky and barbed matters; and they invariably tend to have the better of you, claims and counter-claims by people on the issue notwithstanding.
Every individual tends to get befuddled when a career decision is required to be made. A large portion of what constitutes our life span can be real enjoyment if we go about discerning it. It is only through the process of trial and error, duly complemented with an assessment of oneself that we get to find out what is suited best for us.
Till not very long ago, there was no foolproof way to select a career for oneslf. And unfortunately, nobody made a serious effort for the same. Any and every job opportunity was seen as a catalyst to usher in personal security and wellbeing. But there was a drawback; earlier attitudes did not promote any requirement to make a wise career decision - it was quite like a lion getting married to a tigress.
You simply cannot make a career decision at random. And neither can you do it by flicking a coin and predicting if it will land heads or tails up. What you need to do is to set your bearing straight and then keep advancing in a direction that makes certain that you are on the path that a career of your like lies on. Therefore, you need to discern with a fair amount of accuracy the career that is your cup of tea.
Things as they stand today, men and women seek to pursue more than one career interests. But regrettably, they lack clarity of thought with regard to what drives them and what they aspire for. In the light of the foregoing, they trudge along their career journey without being happy or contented because they do not know what they seek to be or do in life.
Attaining precisely whatever you desire in your life is habitually interpreted as an exceptional dispensation and not an opportunity. Quite a few people will label you a wild dolt for trying to chase a career that you will get pleasure from. Yet, you will be able to logically reason out that pursuing something that is of consequence to you is indeed rational.
Human actions are such that if you hedge your bets, things turn out in your support. If you fail to come up to your aspirations and capabilities, you will be unduly strained. The price that you are likely to pay for embarking on an incorrect career will be in terms of damaging your reputation and self-confidence; and eventually making you off-colour. Your aspirations and thought processes of what a career ought to be like, more often than not leads you into the same old channel or gully. It should not be forgotten that all human actions have within their fold and scope possibilities, compulsions, responsibilities, penchants and aspirations. They are not illogical at all but it is indeed a very regrettable issue that penchants and aspiration bear the brunt by getting overlooked.
Today, you have a multitude of alternatives and options at your disposal. If you want to achieve whatever you seek to, then there is no way that you do away with the need to broaden the range and possibility of things. This would necessarily demand seizing new land to increase the extent and scope of your realities and legitimacy. You will be able to successfully accomplish his if you can prioritize your penchants and aspirations. The manner in which you do so is contingent on your drive and determination. You simply cannot keep moving ahead with a headache and popping painkillers off and on into your mouth. The earlier you understand that the answer to your life is you and only you, the better it will be. 

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