Wednesday 5 April 2017

Do you know your shortcomings?

Money, power or status does not imply success at all. You may have all of them attached to your name, yet you may harbour unfulfilled desires.The possibility of feeling happy and satisfied even if you do not have any of these things cannot be discounted. There are certain qualities that contribute immensely towards your career success and likewise, there re few that do so for your failure. Most people have a tendency to overcome the latter and in the bargain play havoc with their careers. 
You could be at any stage of your career. You could be doing well too or not doing well. But you have to remember that there are five deficiencies which will always impact your career adversely and also make a dent the contentment that flows from it. These are:
  • Lack of initiative: You cannot expect success to come and kiss your feet if you do not exhibit dynamism in your endeavours. You have to take initiative and be enterprising. In case you happen to be not enjoying much authority or have little experience to your credit, such an effort may not be an easy task. You simply cannot assign responsibilities to others and work on an assumption that you need not be venturesome at all. They say that people who never do any more than they get paid for, never get paid for any more than they do. You should not be apprehensive while accepting additional responsibilities or be reluctant to take new initiatives. 
  • Lack of interpersonal skills: Sans interpersonal skills, you may run into difficult situations. But if you possess them, relationship building will be facilitated and you will enjoy working with others. You have to communicate with and be receptive to others. Interpersonal skills lead to greater cooperation and better collaboration. If you are distrustful, ill-disposed and haughty, you will find these unpleasant qualities reverberating around you because the people with whom you work radiate your own outlook. You need to display your best comportment to bring out the best in the people with whom you work.
  • Lack of willingness to be accountable: You can move away from your responsibilities, but you cannot move away from the result of doing so. oWhen things go wrong, it is pointless condemning situations or denunciating other people. You may not have contributed to negative fallouts, but if you carry out a sincere appraisal of the contributory factors, you will realise the abundance of opportunities to do things in a different way. You may not be able to preclude negative outcomes, yet if they happen, you are responsible for them. It is how you respond to them that will define your character and your quality of life.
  • Lack of flexibility: Your personal boundaries and beliefs help you deal with the world. However it is essential that you review them too, otherwise you could be left out. You need to be flexible and welcome new ideas, particularly those mooted by others. All of us are bestowed with boundless intelligence are born with boundless intelligence and capabilities. However when you handle people and interact with them, you ought to understand that every and all the time, people may not go with you. In this fast-moving world of today, you need to enable change, overcome hostility to it and be resilient in the face of altered environments. Opportunities will thus come flying to you, more so when you are willing to move in the direction of the wind. 
  • Lack of inability to learn from mistakes: Learning takes place when you admit that you have erred or that you lack something. Failure to learn from your mistakes will invariably lead you to commit more mistakes. It is through self-evaluation that you develop good judgement and capacity to look ahead. Therefore, you must ponder over your mistakes and not run away from them so that you err again. Any setback that could have come your way should be taken as an opportunity for self improvement. Remember that the difference between excellence and mediocrity, success and failure lies in how you view a perceive a mistake and take action to preclude its repetition.

All the deficiencies talked discussed above can be overcome. Remember that all of them open new windows of opportunities for career advancement. Your abilities work well if you address your deficiencies intelligently. The need to accept change positively needs no elaboration because any and everything that will transpire in your life will be prompted by your own actions; to that extent, you too must change and adapt to emerging challenges.

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