Friday 6 April 2018

Locating leads for top jobs

A large part of the job market is veiled and not on view. So, if you want your job search to be fruitful, you will have to get into it. The recipe for a successful job search can be found there and you have to go about it with due diligence and tact. Unfortunately, many job seekers just do not do that.
You get to know about job openings through various means. One may think that online portals or newspaper advertisements are the best way to find out about ‘situations vacant’, but that is not so. The fact is that not more than twenty five percent job vacancies get to be advertised. The rest is what constitutes the hidden job market. So, if you look for openings in advertisements, you will be wasting your precious time and lose out on other opportunities that could well be more in number and better in terms of career prospect. Considering the foregoing, you ought to focus more on the hidden job market.
It needs to be understood that all advertised jobs are public. On the other hand, unadvertised openings call for concerted efforts to find them. Therefore, it is no wonder that there is a queue of aspirants for any post that has been advertised and securing that is obviously difficult. But job openings that are not publicised get to be known to only few and hence the competition involved in securing it is relatively less. Job openings that are advertised are done so as a last option. It is also possible tat they are done so on account of stipulated qualifications and experience not readily available in a majority of applicants; the entire process of recruitment is thus difficult. But an unadvertised job opening is easy to fill; it will not be presumptuous to state it is meant for a person who is eager to take it on. Considering the foregoing, any job search that is restricted to only advertisements implies self-imposed limitations of missing out on seventy five percent of existing vacancies. Therefore, your seventy five percent focus should be on hidden jobs and twenty five per cent on advertised ones.
If you genuinely seek to be successful in your job search efforts, you must decide on a definite strategy. Your perspectives, efforts and actions have to be thorough. A job search entails some self-marketing too and hence you must post your updated resume on various portals available online; this will make you more reachable and employers and hirers will be able to establish contact with you along with their offers. Remember that the need to keep your resume updated at all times cannot be underplayed; it is essentially that you list out your accomplishments in the preceding two or three years in it because employers invariably attach greater importance to them. It should also be understood that your resume has to be tailor-made for the vacancy that you are applying for. Therefore, you should pay particular attention to highlight your skills and capabilities as relevant to the job opening and in the context of projecting your suitability to bring about better productivity.
A job search can prove to be a highly demanding experience; it will certainly make you feel tense because of the extended periods of time that it runs into. You should be mentally and physically prepared for this; and display a high degree of perseverance and self-restraint till such time you are successful. At the sae time, you must refrain from applying for jobs that call for higher qualifications or experience. The likelihood of encountering roadblock in your job search cannot be discounted; you ought to identify people who would help you in your efforts.
The crux of being successful in your job search is the need to pursue a job lead with sincerity. Your efforts do not cease after you submit your resume. You need to make enquiries about its receipt and also try to make certain that you are shortlisted and called for the interview. All follow-up actions that you take should be vigorous, The follow-up action has to be aggressive, pertinacious and professional; it will stand you in good stead if you catalogue all your efforts in this regard.
You may be unemployed and looking for a job or you may be wanting a job change. But in view of the competition that prevails, getting one is by itself a job, a full-time one for that matter. And since there is no one source for obtaining a lead, you efforts have to be serious. The evident ones find place in advertisements, but they may not be truly rewarding. Though the best job lead may spring to you unexpectedly, you should not be found wanting in your efforts to chase several others concurrently.

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