Friday 4 May 2018

Hard work is a career success facilitator

If you seek to be successful in any sphere of activity, there is no escaping from hard work. You simply cannot wait for success to happen. It will not come to four asking. You cannot purchase it off the shelf, like any item of grocery that is available in all stores.
All successful men and women are dynamic and enterprising, with resolution being a  very strongpoint of their character. Regrettably, people fail to emulate them and instead surrender to false beliefs that success is a matter of chance. History is replete with examples of how people have written their own destiny and there is no way why you should not do likewise. 
If you seek to fulfil your career aspirations and accomplish your career objectives, you cannot escape hard work. It entails good judgement, shrewdness and will-power. Five inescapable actions in this context are:
  • Have confidence in yourself & that you will be successful: Your confidence and self-belief will goad you to be successful. You should never regard success as a distant dream; on the contrary, you must thing that it is going to come shortly. It is essential that you have faith in your objectives; this can be made possible if you have all of them noted down and displayed in the same form as their images come to your mind. A portrait of your career should be visualised by you and then attention focussed on it to know if it really appeals to you. It ought to be understood that your conviction is inborn and inbred in you; and that you will need to stir yourself up for it to come to the fore. 
  • Be pragmatic & make continuous efforts to make success a reality: Your confidence is required to be encouraged and supported by ground facts. It is necessary that you discover initiatives that will portray an image of legitimacy to your visualisation of success. It entails an all-inclusive consideration of various issues like career investment and remuneration desired. In addition, you will need to discern if money is your only or top priority; or if there are other issues that are important to you for happiness. A holistic evaluation of your questions will automatically lead you to their answers. Once you have the answers, you will march ahead, chest up and self-assured. 
  • Regard being successful as a moral obligation: The possibility of success is viewed different perspectives by different people. Some think that they have to attain it at all costs, whereas there are others feel that it is their efforts that will make it happen. There are many who leave it to chance and luck. Regarding success as a moral obligation by itself is a great resolution towards it. Therefore, it is essential that you focus your attention and efforts on it. Just in case you find obstacles coming your way, you must identify newer paths, but move forward, you must.
  • Formulate a strategy & a course of action: Your commitment solidified, you must make a plan to move ahead. All information and facts that you have collected should be used for the purpose. It is always recommended to make sub-plans and then set yourself to put them into motion for accomplishment. In other words, you have to catalogue actions required to be taken by you and then prioritise them for initiation. If you feel that some actions entail significant time, they should be discarded or left to others to do. Remember that your career journey will encounter many hindrances and interruptions, however, if you plan well, you will be able to negotiate them successfully.
  • Don’t let impediments decelerate your enthusiasm:  There will be many instances when you will lose out on your zeal and feel that your hard work may not bear the fruit. You should not feel disillusioned at any stage and instead, handle emerging situations with confidence and with a practical outlook. Remember that a giant leap may not be possible, but a slow and steady approach together with regular inching forward will prove to be more beneficial to you.
It should be remembered that success comes from success. And to make that happen, you must have positive thoughts ab initio. Subsequently, your focus needs to be intense; this is an underlying principle for attaining success. You should not pause unnecessarily and get bogged down with whatever has has happened. Forgetting the past and keeping your eyes and hopes on the future will surely make your future a dream come true.

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