Friday 25 May 2018

Qualities that speak of your work proficiency

            Every person has a different outlook towards his or her life. And so is his capacity to exert influence over situations and developments. This difference in disposition and capabilities explains individual accomplishments, both at work and in life.
 Different convictions that people have tend to shape their careers. These convictions are harboured in some form or the other by all successful people. The major ones that are pertinent to individual capabilities however, are:
  • Maintaining a true you: You simply cannot have two faces to be successful. Your sincerity has to manifest in all your dealings and actions, including networking. You have to be true to yourself and should not take cover behind a screen. Remember that people who have double standards adopt tactics to please others always and tend to go off balance. They are unable to conduct themselves within the secure parameters of established logic and expectations. If you think that you will not be able to put in your best, you certainly will never be able to do so. Getting unnecessarily swayed by or aping others will stand you nowhere. Your endeavour should be to be an excellent account of yourself, rather than an ordinary form of a third person. The halo of actuality that you surround yourself with manifests your decision to handle a situation in a particular manner. And if you resign and feel that you have no control over your life and that success will come if you are fortunate enough, you will become helpless and ineffectual. Your life will thus revolve around only likelihoods. It is therefore, essential that you dream big and work hard to convert your dreams into realities. All your initiatives will give rise to new dreams and thus a feeling of accomplishment will come to you. 
  • Respecting own capabilities & trusting your actions:  You will be able to make optimum use of your capabilities if you know and respect them. This means that you should not doubt them because if you do, hesitation will become your habit and you will fail to clutch opportunities. If you happen to be working under conditions of stress and strain, you will have to display dynamism and ingenuity; under such circumstances, any display of doubt in your capabilities will cause success to elude you. Therefore, the need to remain self-confident at all times and simultaneously respect your own capabilities needs no emphasis. If you happen to be in a career that is not your passion, you will never be able to do well in it. A job and a career that is your passion will always serve to inspire you and if that be so, success will come to you for sure. You have to believe wholeheartedly each and everything you do. And most importantly, you must also have faith in yourself and your worth. If you restrict your faith in yourself, you will never derive job satisfaction. But you must also realise that you still need to learn more, and despite that, you are still the best.
  • Willingness to learn & persevere: There is no person who is qualified at all times to take on all responsibilities at work. You will never possess the requisite skills to fit into the next higher slot at all times. There are people who resign and feel that they simply cannot step into a higher position. Such an outlook is prompted by a feeling of having reached the zenith and an inability take on any further learning. Such an outlook is neither desirable nor advisable. It is essential that you believe in your capability to learn new things and move ahead. Since your career journey will not be devoid of bumps and potholes, there will be depressing moments that you encounter. Most people give up when faced with obstacles and thus stagnate in their careers. Remember that obstacles are meant to impose delays and not fullstops; and hence have to be negotiated at all costs. You have to write your own destiny and always be at the wheels of your life and career alike.
    It is likely that you are still miles away from the position that you set as an objective. However, it is important that you always believe that you will accomplish it sooner or later. It is considered pertinent to state that your optimism, self-assuredness and resilience are of a high degree at all times, This will ensure that the path on which you are moving holds out a charm and importance; and given to believe that favourable times are just round the corner. But till such time that happens, you cannot afford to be slack and allow your determination to plummet.

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