Friday 29 June 2018

Guarantee yourself job success

It is quite possible that have the best of best jobs in the world or you are in a career that you always thought was your cup of tea. But if you are not performing well, sooner or later, disappointment and dissatisfaction will have the better of you. You will find yourself face to face with failure. 
How can you guarantee yourself job success? It is essential that you harbour a correct outlook, positive mind and an upbeat perspective towards everything. Ten initiatives on your part that will help you succeed at your work are:
  • Think & apply yourself logically: It has been noticed that employees crash at work because they fail to think and apply themselves rationally. People take wrong decisions and arrive at wrong inferences. You can believe, think and act in a logical manner by observing others who do likewise and in case you have any doubts, questioning them in an insightful manner. If you can have an open mind to improve after any mistake, things will emerge better. Remember that any presumption that you know everything about your work and duties will not stand you in good stead, on the contrary, it can spell failure.
  • Don't drift away from your work: All jobs are a contract; you work and get paid for it.  Therefore, there is no way that you should not work or perform. It is thus essential that you while at work, you do nothing but your work. If you stray away from your assigned duties, deliberately or otherwise, it is a breach of trust and a violation of the contract that you have entered into with your employer. You can maintain the desired motivation to do that if you occasionally place yourself in your employer’s shoes and then ponder over your expectations from those under you. It goes without saying that you will have to persist with a high level of devotion to accomplish all objectives set for you.
  • Understand that learning is an eternal process: Nobody, especially your employer will appreciate you if you portray that you know everything. This is more so during your initial days at work. Learning is an ongoing process and every day at work offers a new experience. If you fail to understand this, you will end up frittering away your time and efforts. Also, if you do not boost your performance level, you will lose out on your worth. 
  • Don't allow your doubts to persist: You should not hesitate to seek clarifications, even if others are reluctant to do it. You are empowered to know your charter of duties and if you are dis- charging them properly. This also necessitates knowing if you are on the correct path and who should you look upon for assistance, if required. If you are clear on these aspects, your move forward to achieve workplace success is more or less assured. 
  • Stick to your values: As human beings, we have a natural propensity to assist others. You must look inwards to dis-cern how best you can utilise your skills to perform better. By building and adhering to such principles and standards, you will derive happiness and will come to be acknowledged by your employer. The worth that you offer of yourself in this way will enhance your chances of success.
  • Accept & be a part of change: Today, workplaces and working methodologies are changing; and you simply cannot afford to be hostile to the changes being ushered in. It will be in your interests to accept them in a straightforward manner and view them as learning opportunities. Remember that as you acquire fresh knowledge, you automatically give a boost to your and your organisational worth.
  • Know what you stand for & what others feel about you: Many people lose their jobs on account of personality clashes and issues related to moral turpitude. Personality clashes take place if you remain in a shell  and unnecessary alarmed. On the other hand moral turpitude is related to dishonesty; it needs to be understood that that dishonest is not acceptable at any workplace. You need to display moral uprightness and a high degree of self-esteem. It is necessary that you make efforts to know what others feel about you and display due consideration towards your seniors, colleagues and juniors alike; this can be made possible if you harbour a positive attitude at all times.
Positive feelings steer you to success. Today, all organisations emphasise the need to have a congenial workplace atmosphere so that employees do not get victimised by stress. You need to be positive from all angles, because only then will you be able to thwart adverse situations. If you work sincerely, success will be yours to kiss. 

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