Saturday 21 July 2018

Intensify your professional headway

Everybody talks about professional progress and its interpretation varies from person to person. However, the need to make professional headway is acknowledged by one and all. A successful career doesn’t happen unthinkingly. It needs planning, tending and frequent review. 
Career management is not simply feel-good activity. It is inescapable if you seek to achieve job satisfaction and career success. Making professional headway is all about availing opportunities to learn new skills with a view to broaden one’s horizon and excel in water sphere of activity one is in. distinct benefit of career advancement is that you tend to give a positive upshot to your personal life too. But it is not a simple endeavour - you cannot claim to have made an effort and then forget about it. It is an ongoing process, the decision and initiative of which has to originate from you. Some suggested inescapable actions that are essential to intensify your individual and professional headway are:
  • Know your current position & status: If you want to attain anything that you seek, you should know how well qualified you are, including practical experience to your credit. These also should be reduced to writing along with occasions when you utilised them. This awareness will facilitate a deeper comprehension of the knowledge possessed by you and which will facilitate your career advancement. 
  • Know what you aspire for: You must assess your objectives in the context of your designation, job and career. It is also essential that you analyse all the qualitative requirements that you must fulfil to remain firmly established in your current post, job or career. This can be best done by reducing to writing all your objectives and requirements; and thereafter, referring to them periodically to know what learning activities you must engage in.
  • Know your shortcomings that need to be overcome: If you are clear about your objectives and  how well qualified you are to attain them, you will be able to find out ways and means to reinforce your position. It is essential that you are also aware of what impedes your career advancement; for that you need to know your vulnerabilities and deficiencies. And you need to work hard to acquire additional qualifications. Here again, reducing to writing all your mental deliberations will help in evolving a time-plan, which, when formulated should be adhered. 
  • Know about resources that you would use: You should also know various resources that you could utilise to further build up your skills for attaining your aims. They could well be people, organisations and events. You will have to decide on the most suitable ones and the modalities to be undertaken. For example, you could identify and bond with people with whom you could have mentoring associations. You could also find out about professional clubs and training centres where courses, workshops and seminars are conducted; joining such institutions will help you improve your skills; and eventually your career prospects. 
  • Know what your next line of action ought to be: This implies finishing all pending tasks. You could have taken steps to identify your objectives, current position, qualifications to be acquired and resources to be utilised. But somewhere down the line, the spot light could shift elsewhere resulting in your advancement plan going haywire. Therefore, finishing all that you initiated will help you get over the standstill or decline being suffered.
The toughest part of attaining any objective is not the writing up the action plan or setting dates for completing each step of the goal or even getting started on your first action point. It is in fact, the ongoing discipline and determination required to see through different steps of the goal to completion. There will be moments when you will feel that you have reached the end of the road. but you can always get over that stagnation. You should simply query yourself about a dozen initiatives that you must take to get your career advancement on a fast-moving track. Your responses will be solutions to problems. You must adopt those methods to get back on the correct bearing. And when that happens, you must delight in your efforts. You will thus be better geared to move forward and render yourself all-important in the organisation that you are serving in. You will thus make your career success happen.

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