Friday 27 July 2018

Practise transparency & openness at work

Today, buzz words at any workplace are transparency and openness. They are the new mantra. In recent times, employees and clients have increasingly been insisting on transparent dealings by companies whose goods and services are sold. What do these two words signify and how do they effect the working and business environment? Transparency and openness imply adhering to honest dealings, candid communications and straightforward behaviour. They also imply making useful contributions at work.
If you are transparent and open at work, your career advancement will receive a fillip.  So how do you practice them at work? Five ways by which you can transmit  signals of being frank, honest and strait forward are: 
  • Inform your seniors about your motivation: For various reasons, your company may not be in a position to offer you big raises. However, if you know what other issues boost your motivation, you will surely be offered some that gives you job satisfaction. For example, you may want like some time off for domestic obligations, you could be allowed to do so or assigned flexible work timings. There are many companies that permit a work-from-home schedule too. All this is possible only if you trust your seniors and interact with them frankly on a continuous basis. 
  • Be aware of your skills & capabilities: When you have any discussion with your boss, candidness in expressing views is always recommended. You should know your skills and capabilities; and hence should not agree for tasks that are beyond you. At the same time, you should not hide any skills so that you stay away from additional responsibilities. Even if you do not or are not required to make use of a special skill that you possess in your present role, letting the management know about it will always stand you in good stead for obvious reasons. Another 
  • Let your boss know assignments that interest you: You could be good at executing some tasks or even delight in the pressures of few. It is essential that this information is put across in a diligent manner to your seniors because then there is every likelihood of you being assigned tasks that you like doing. Your company’s management will understand that such a process will boost organisational productivity. 
  • Don't be out to gain credit:  Your individual contributions as distinct from your team’s performance  and they should be known to your seniors. This will ensure that the credit and reward that is justifiably yours will come to you automatically. You should make it a point to not take credit for a job well done that otherwise is deserved by somebody else. The foregoing will also make certain that if a job is not completed or is not done with perfection, no fingers will be pointed to you and that you will not be held totally accountable for the lapse. You seniors will certainly acknowledge your efforts, provide they are sincere and your outlook towards your responsibilities positive. 
  • Let your actions speak about your outlook:  You can come out with excellent ideas on boosting organisational. But if such ideas and suggestions are not put forward eloquently and confidently, they are of no use.  When you do put across them, your seniors and the general environment will understand your good intentions and sincerity in discharging your assigned responsibilities.  You could be engaged in a specific task that calls for an understanding of how a different vertical functions but under normal circumstances, you do not play an active role in the functioning of that vertical. If you make your intent known, you will be appreciated for your keenness to learn and work sincerely. If you go about your work with truthfulness and integrity, you are likely to do well in your career. 
If you are open and transparent at your workplace and in your dealings, there is no denying the fact that you stand more chances of success. You should thus always be ready to walk an extra mile as far as building trust with others. It is inescapable to always maintain a positive frame of mind and take on additional responsibilities voluntarily. Considering the foregoing, it is essential that you do not lose your balance and not deviate from the path that you have embarked upon. 

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