Friday 17 August 2018

Prove that you are better than others

The working environment today is saturated with intense competition and with every person wanting to do well, there is a rat race. You may work hard and do well to the best of your ability, yet, there is no guarantee that you will reach the topmost position. You have to come to terms with whatever you achieve in life. Whatever you accomplish in your life is a result of the efforts put in and it does not happen in just a day.
You can always work hard to accelerate the pace of your career advancement and prove that you are better than others. When you do that, you are better geared to accomplish your career objectives. There could be scores of methods to do better than others and excel in your work, but the best ones are:
  • Maintaining high levels of enthusiasm: Your zeal and passions are meaningless if you fail to make use of the knowledge that you possess. The foregoing implies putting to use your knowledge so that you are able to find logical solutions to problems on ground.  You may work and work hard, this is just one side of the story. But you have to ensure that others work too, for which you will need to condition the minds of others. Your enthusiasm will be high if you accept changes and emerging situations in the right spirit. In other words, you need to display a flexible attitude. It is then that your boss will see you in a positive perspective and see your contributions as great add-ons to workplace productivity. It is essential you understand the need to have all your thought processes of a high order at all times. If you are able to maintain high levels of personal enthusiasm, you will be in a better position to handle workplace tedium.  These advantages will accrue to you if you update yourself on new skills and working methodologies; and also dispense with all redundant ideology that you may be harbouring. All this necessitates continued mental stimulation at work; such stimulation evidently leads to happiness and contentment being derived. 
  • Ensuring that your resolve doesn’t plummet: Nobody can be certain about how his or her future will unfold itself. There will always persist doubts, some big and some small in your mind regarding your present job. In case you want to remain confident and self-assured at all times, there is no alternative to hard work. You have to pitch yourself at  professional zenith at all times. It should be remembered that practically all organisations are on the lookout for employees who are genuinely industrious and sincere. If that be so, you should strengthen your resolve to make career headway the honest headway. Commitment towards your goals should be kept foremost  in your mind. Your seniors will be able to make out whether your outlook is upbeat or not; if they see you in a positive manner, they will come out to support you. If you comprehend all these points, you will be implored to treat your career with due seriousness, even if there are problem areas. When you start conducting yourself around like that, your popularity will go up too.  
  • Making full use of your expertise: If you do fail to apply yourself systematically at work and not utilise your skill-sets, your output will never be great. Resultantly, no acknowledgement will come your way. It is quite likely that you may not possess all requisite skills necessary for an absolutely smooth functioning. And then if you try to portray an impression of knowing everything, people will understand and form an incorrect impression about you. The truth of the matter is that most people do not make optimum use of their skills; this leads to shrivelling away your knowledge base. Your pace of advancement thus gets retarded. The requirement therefore, is to work hard to overcome your deficiencies and remain updated on all professional matters to preclude stagnation at your current position.  
You will never be able to prove that you are better than others unless you become dynamic and adopt a proactive attitude at your workplace. All your initiatives should be such that you do not call prey to complacency and self-approbation. On the contrary, you should display a willingness to learn and also dream beyond your current job.

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