Tuesday 1 November 2011

Deadlines are not deadly

Unconfirmed statistics indicate that nearly fifty out of every hundred people postpone for tomorrow what can be done today and amongst them, twenty are chronic defaulters. The remainder is either disinterested and shirks or fails to complete tasks otherwise. Whatever be the case, they are all cases of default, whether deliberate, circumstantial or inadvertent.
Since productivity and efficiency is invariably everybody’s aim, the fear of not being able to perform well looms over them. But they seem to have a dawdling attitude towards their work and assignments, which is definitely not desirable.
So it is all about deadlines – setting them, meeting them, working with them and beating the stress that comes with them.
The process of setting deadlines comprises several steps, more common ones are:
·   Skill upgrading: Escapist behaviour can be got rid of and self-trouncing actions overcome by attending a course on soft skills. It also facilitates realization of the importance of setting deadlines, besides helping acknowledge the damaging nature of such tendencies.
·   Exercising control: Deadlines are useful when they are utilized for ventures and assignments over which complete domination and jurisdiction exists. For example, a person can exercise control over the time required to complete a task involving writing work with relative ease. But if they have to follow an exercise regimen and be required to shed flab within a given period of time, it would be a difficult proposition.
·   Pledge:  When beating any idea of setting a deadline, a sort of promise is required to be made. It ought to be an obligation imposed on oneself that this work will be completed in time and to precision.
The nitty-gritty of the procedure is to comprehend that formulating objectives and goals and sticking by them are the secret to setting one’s deadline and adhering to them.
Meeting deadlines
Living up to deadlines and dispensing good quality performance are concurrent actions. If a person is short of time, his or her career can be made or blemished.
Some actions that facilitate meeting deadlines are amplified below:
·   Clarification:  Whenever an assignment is being given, all doubts should be clarified. Questions should be asked, ideas given and elucidations sought. It will be better for the boss and the employee alike if all ambiguous issues are made clear ab initio. The boss would appreciate the employee’s concern and will not regard queries as a pretext for evading the project.
·   Jotting down:  Upon a task being assigned, the same should be reduced to writing. The human brain too has limitations as there is a tendency to disregard minute details which, contribute to perfection. Excessive dependence on memory therefore is not recommended. Reference material at hand, be it in a diary or on the computer will always stand in good stead.
·   Collation:  Only one file or folder should be maintained for a particular assignment. If a computer is being used for making downloads and collation, its inherent benefits and drawbacks should be considered in general and specific terms.. 
·   Cushion:  Whatever deadline is given by the boss, a one that precedes it should be set as a matter of practice. It will be imprudent to presume that the deadline will be extended. Setting own deadline will provide cushion time in the eventuality of amendments and alterations being introduced later on.
·   Evaluation:  If there is any pre-assignment action required to be initiated, the same should be discerned precisely. For that, the instructions should be perused in detail and evaluated for any outside support, including the persons who need to be contacted. This will ensure that the project takes off in time.
·   Preparation:  It should be made certain that all items being made use of are in a serviceable state. Advance planning for items of stationery, transport and other equipment is inescapable.
·   Sincerity:  And lastly but most importantly, a sense of involvement should be displayed. The calendar of work drawn earlier should be adhered to in letter and spirit. The possibility of unavoidable delays cannot be discounted; under such circumstances seeking help from or a session with the boss is justifiable. The boss may dole out an extension of the deadline or an admonishment, but the good point is that he stands informed of likely quandaries.
The above guiding principles can assist in meeting deadlines, but it is important to be unbiased and independent too. This will smooth the progress of work and facilitate its timely completion.
Quite a few people regard deadlines as the endpoint of a project. Some perceive them as extra time to identify various prerequisites. There are others who take deadlines as periods of relaxation and get into action mode only towards the final stages. For many, deadlines are a source of mental strain, particularly when they fall within the hour or day.
How can one work with deadlines? Here are some tips:
·   Introspection:  Will you be able to meet deadlines? Is your work schedule and method appropriate for meeting them? Do you get sidetracked? Do you procrastinate? The answers to these questions will give a fair amount of an idea about individual ability and demonstrated attributes that need to be altered.
·   Cognizance: One should recognize the fact that deadlines are an integral and inescapable component of daily life. They should not serve any stifling purpose but aid good performance.
·   Forecasting:  One should always stay on top of deadlines. And this can be best achieved by maintaining a calendar of events and actions.
·   Priority:   Actions envisaged should be categorized in order of precedence. Ones that have immediate deadlines should be done first and if time is available, sub-tasks of the future can also be undertaken. This will preclude possible rush when the actual deadline approaches.
·   Take time off:   A wise utilization of time is recommended. One should balance between the project schedule and personal life. Leisure and recreational activities are recommended, but in moderation so that the work output is not adversely affected.
·   Self-reward:   If a deadline has been met, it calls for a self-reward. Doing so, particularly at the end of a hard day’s toil serves as one way to impel one to work harder still.
Good time management contributes to better adaptation with deadlines. It is of equal advantage to every member of a team involved in a project.
Stress sets in when a workload is regarded as difficult to accomplish in time. There are times when, in order to get away from it, one starts yelling at each and every person or thing. This is improper because it creates more stress.
The only way to beat deadline stress is to have more time available to complete a given assignment. To be able to have that, one has to understand what deadlines are all about, that is, setting them, meeting them and working with them.
 Procrastination is thief of time and as a habit, it is a learned conduct. Hence it should be addressed in a systematic manner. Dragging feet or letting things hang fire is a dull and unscrupulous activity that should be shed – the earlier the better.

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