Tuesday 1 November 2011

Positivity opens door to success

Positivity of thought is an approach and outlook of the mind. It is the mind that gives access into itself contemplations, expressions and pictures that are favourable to progress, development and triumph. Positive thinking is a psychological bearing that aspires for worthy and encouraging outcomes. It is a positive mind alone that expects contentment and delight and a booming conclusion of all circumstances and exploits. Therefore, the mind gets whatever it seeks.
Positive thinking is not subscribed by everybody. Quite a few regard the entire issue as poppycock, while some poke fun at those who consider it a fact. But those who do accept its reality rarely make use of it to achieve good results. Despite the foregoing, the subject is gaining popularity as is obvious from the number of publications available in the open market.
‘Think positive’ is not a rare utterance directed at those who are unduly apprehensive or agonized. Nobody attaches any momentousness to such a remark because they fail to understand its actual denotation. But the power of positive thinking works as the example illustrated in the succeeding paragraphs demonstrates.
Ashish was an academically bright student, but somehow he could never land himself in a good job. Either he could not pass the qualifying examinations or failed in the interviews. Over a period of time, dejection overtook him. He became sluggish and developed a negative attitude towards everything, including himself. A friend coaxed him to apply for a particular job and he was called for an interview. But he was more than convinced that he would be discarded. On the day of the interview, he could not get up early and to his horror found that his shirt and trousers were not ironed. Late he was, he could not shave and polish his shoes too. His turnout was far from smart. He left home without having breakfast and felt hungry throughout. He also forgot to carry his testimonials. During the interview, he was unable to maintain his poise exhibited a negative attitude. As expected, he did not make the grade.
Now take the case of Asha. She too was an aspirant for the same job, but her line of action was different. She was confident of herself and in the week preceding the interview imagined she acquitting well in it and getting the appointment letter immediately thereafter. She made adequate preparations for the interview and made certain that her clothes were ready as also accessories that she would be wearing. She went to bed earlier than usual and woke up early. Asha had sufficient time at her disposal; she got ready in time, paid a quick visit to the neighbourhood temple, had breakfast comfortably watched the morning news over the TV. She was present at the interview venue much before the designated time. Asha responded to all questions with a smile and sent out positive vibrations. Barring Ashish, all   candidates felt enthused with her very presence.
Both Ashish and Asha had similar qualifications. But it was Asha who carried the appointment letter home.
Can any inferences be drawn from these two illustrations? Yes, a number of them! Optimism results from a positive attitude: The brain imagines, the eyes visualize and the ears hear whatever one is seeking. And when this happens, the entire personality gets to be energized and rejuvenated. Feelings of joy and accomplishment are radiated; the state of health also improves. A distinct self-assuredness takes over, with gait, speech and expressions manifesting increased confidence levels.
Positive & negative thinking are infectious:  Any individual being interacted with is affected by the other person. This is an involuntary development and takes place on an intuitive plane through the medium of behaviour, feelings and non-verbal communications. A person discerns the attributes of the other person and gets affected. It is no wonder that people want to be in the company of positive individuals. The magnetism tenet of opposite poles being attracted to each other does not hold good here. It is only positive people who get attracted to positive people. And they assist likewise. Similarly, negative people are shunned and held in contempt.  Negative beliefs, expressions and dispositions throw up depressing and pessimistic radiations that pollute actions and moods of others.
In order to move towards positivity, a lot of intimate efforts and preparation are inescapable. But the important issue is that outlooks, beliefs cannot be changed at the drop of hat. Some tips are offered as follows:
·         The subject should be read and its advantages deliberated upon.
·         Ignore what others have to say or opine about you.
·         Only promising and constructive situations should see in your mind’s eye.
·         While conversing with others, use only constructive expressions.
·         Keep smiling.
·         Close eyes to feelings of laziness or resignation.
·         If negative thoughts enter your mind, replace them at the earliest on a continual basis.
·         Never give up midway and let your perseverance persist.
The vigour and power of thoughts have subconscious abilities to contour our lives. But it is possible to transform the entire process into a conscious one.  Research has shown that whenever negativity registers an increase, blood composition gets disturbed. Resultantly, manifestations of melancholy, gloom and despair enhance. And thus the road to breakdown, dissatisfaction and disenchantment is thrown open.   

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