Thursday 21 June 2012

Masters in English or Psychology - make your choice

“Each man has his own vocation; his talent is his call.
There is one direction in which all space is open to him.”
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Today, there are a horde of career options that exist and their range and scope is increasing day by day. Out of school, many boys and girls enroll themselves for graduation courses in subjects that were not preferred options a decade ago. Armed with a degree, they then want to do their masters. Two subjects that are quite sought after are English and Psychology; however quandaries prevail in their minds over which one they should opt for.
Talents are common, everyone has them - but rare is the courage to follow our talents where they lead. The aim of this article is to highlight what doing a post-graduation in English or Psychology implies and the career prospects that they have in store.
If you are looking at English for your masters, then conceivably you have already got your rationale for studying traditional books and literature. Should you not be certain, you should be mulling over the fact that an MA (English) will afford you an opportunity to read various authors you like or have not been able to do so yet and be able to ascertain the reasons for the same. In addition, you will be able to discern true-life evidence of the life and lifestyle that prevailed then as also identify those that will endure the test of coming times.
Language style has been subjected to change over the years and reading books authored way back will help you mark out words and phrases that have become obsolete or common usage in the present times. English as a language differs in various parts of the world; you will be able to perceive how this aspect is echoed in accounts all the way through different eras. In addition, due to revolution in printing technology, today books are available to readers more than ever before. You will be able to find out their importance vis-à-vis other modern platforms like the internet or television.
Prospects:   There are many professions that call for interactive skills, serious thinking and exposure to wide-ranging issues and which, require a good knowledge of English. In case, you regard yourself as an avid reader with a penchant for delving into technological subjects, there will be no dearth of opportunities. Areas, in which you can get a job, are explained below:
·   Based on your linguistic and investigative expertise, publication houses can hire you as a writer, copywriter, proofreader, editor or translator.
·   Depending upon your communication skills, to include verbal and writing abilities, you can become a reporter or a journalist, script writer or even take to website production.
·   Corporate setups, commercial houses, multinational organizations and government departments can take you as an interpreter, public relation officer, business development executive or customer care manager.
·   If you seek to have an independent venture, you can well be a literary critic, freelance writer or language coach.
·   Business magnates, public figures and political leaders can also employ you as a campaign manager or speech writer.
·   English being lingua franca, the education sector is also full of opportunities for teachers qualified in it.
·   A postgraduate degree in English is also good enough to compete for the civil services.
·   The tourism sector is also witnessing an upswing and you can well be part of it as a consultant, liaison officer, marketing executive or tourist guide.
In recent times, Psychology as a branch of science has become known as an important career option. It is all about mental conduct; and as a postgraduate in this important subject, you will possess skills that can be used for the betterment of performance levels of people through methodical application of techniques. There are two post-graduate courses in Psychology; you could pursue either Master of Arts or Master of Science. While the former may indicate a stronger liberal arts focus, the latter may require concentration on research and sciences.
The spectrum of application of Psychology is indeed and astonishingly very wide as it entails covering issues related to human exploits and responses; convictions and confidence; contemplations and sentiments; and passions and attitudes. As a qualified psychologist, you will have an inherent attribute to correlate interpersonal associations of countless people as they affect their domestic life, workplace efficiency and social standing. You will be qualified to analyze various moods, purposes and responses of people. In addition, you will be eligible to offer solutions to vexed problems to bring about an altered behaviour.   
Prospects:  The job opportunities available to you after earning your master's degree in Psychology can depend on a number of factors. In addition to the overall job outlook in your geographic area, the focus of your master's degree can play an important role in determining your employment prospects. To be able to embark on a career in Psychology, the precondition is a genuinely instinctive desire to help others. The job prospects are indeed huge in the following fields:
·   Clinical: You can be of immense use in examining and treating people with psychological problems; and work as therapists to facilitate overcoming crisis situations they are plagued with. .
·   Counseling:  You will be required to concentrate on individuals who have adjustment problems in new environments.
·   Preventive:  Here you will have a role to play in ushering good health by designing programmes related to alcohol and drug abuse, tobacco consumption, obesity and stress, to name just a few. Hospitals and rehabilitation centres employ psychologists for the purpose.
·   Teaching:  You could also work in educational institutions as counselors to help students afflicted with various problems. At research centres, you could be tasked to develop approaches and matters to better learning procedures.  
·   Workplace:  In big and conscientious organizations, psychologists are employed to help in hiring processes and devise novel methods to boost productivity. Your contributions can be immense and highly rewarding.
·   Sports:  Psychologists have a very important role to play in perking up performance of sportspersons. You can do so by examining various facets of exercise and physical activity regimen vis-à-vis psychological fine-tuning and health.
·   Social:  Here you are required to work in community initiatives so that general public awareness on specific issues like sanitation, child marriage, child labour and gender bias, etc is generated.  
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. Why should you be saddled with restrictions and predetermined courses? You sure have an inner drumbeat that you must learn to hear and march in harmony with. What you do with your life is actually just one half of the equation; the other half, which is the more important one, is who you are working with. And that depends on who you feel comfortable surrounded with.  
You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself into one. Both English and Psychology have immense scope and utility; to that extent your decision to pursue which one for your masters has to be well deliberated upon. And once you have taken it, the world will conspire to make you successful. All that you need to do is plan purposefully, prepare prayerfully, proceed positively and pursue persistently.

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