Tuesday 7 August 2012

Be what you want to be

“You’ll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart.”
                                                                                         – George Michael
This piece is dedicated to those young boys and girls who are on the threshold of making a career decision. Arriving at any decision is indeed a difficult affair and making a career decision that matters is all the more intricate. The reason is that a work that is satisfying, though regarded as significant, is not easy to lay hands on.
If you get influenced by conventions and happen to opt for a career that does not stimulate you, you are not to be blamed. Considering any work as work is still the bastion of current times. Traditions are always thorny and get the better of you, despite people asserting that it is stupidity seeking a career that is exhilarating.
Man, by nature is inclined to get confused when it comes to deciding what to do in his life. A large portion of what constitutes our life span can be real enjoyment if we go about discerning it. It is only through the process of trial and error, duly complemented with an assessment of oneself that we get to find out what is suited best for us.
Till not very long ago, there was no helpful method to select a career. In fact, nobody ever sought it either. Every employment opportunity was seen as a facilitator of individual security. But there was a drawback; earlier attitudes did not promote any requirement to make a wise career decision - it was akin to a horse getting married to a donkey.
Selecting a career cannot be done by tossing a coin and portending head or tail. What you need to do is fix yourself on the pole star and keep moving in a direction that takes you towards the career that you have been cut out for and dreaming of. Which is the career that you seek?
In the present times, men and women want to pursue several career interests, but they suffer from clarity of thought as to the specifics of their aspirations. It is quite a widespread phenomenon amongst them to walk heavily their entire journey sans fathoming what they want to be.
Attaining precisely whatever you desire in your life is habitually interpreted as an exceptional dispensation and not an opportunity. Quite a few people will label you a wild dolt for trying to chase a career that you will get pleasure from. Yet, you will be able to logically reason out that pursuing something that is of consequence to you is indeed rational.
Human actions are such that if you hedge your bets, things turn out in your support. If you fail to come up to your aspirations and capabilities, you will be unduly strained. The price that you are likely to pay for embarking on an incorrect career will be in terms of damaging your reputation and self-confidence; and eventually making you off-colour.
Your aspirations and tenets of what a career ought to be like, more often than not guides you into the same old furrow. Remember that all human actions comprise likelihoods, obligations, inclinations and yearnings – they are all guided by rationale. But unfortunately, the latter two tend to be ignored.
Today, you have an abundance of options. If you want to attain what you desire, then you need to enlarge the scope and scheme of things. This entails annexing new land to make your actuality and authenticity larger and superior. And you can do this if you accord priority to your inclinations and yearnings.
It is all up to you – whether you want to take an analgesic and trim down your throbbing or generate innovative chances so that you can live your life the way you want. Never forget that to the question of your life, you are the only answer.

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