Tuesday 7 August 2012

Out of job - start anew

Getting out of job is nature’s way of telling you that you had the wrong job in the first place. It can indeed be depressing and while some people may have alternatives at hand and simply switch over, others suffer great mental agitation. But whatever are the disadvantages and inconvenience, since a job loss is not going to be a permanent feature of your life, the experience could be used to create whatever you longed for. It could be the beginning of a new effort to assess and price your life all over again.
How do you deal with the situation and build a future for yourself all over again? Here is what you should do:
·Realize that it is a piece of good fortune:   Your getting out of job was destined to happen, so why brood over it? Now is perhaps an opportune time to see if you can dovetail your past in your new life. You have to act judiciously and with due prudence because the current times may not be witnessed again.
·Understand that it was not because of you:   Once the unavoidable does take place, there is always some element of respite. But somewhere deep within you, there will always be some remorse as if it was all your doing. Unnecessarily pondering over it will exhaust you. Now that everything is over, you should forget the past and move on. 
·Fathom what is significant for you:   It is quite possible that you were desperately trying to cast yourself into something that you are not made out for. All those worries are now things of the past; you have to now discern what is central to you so that you can be in high spirits once again. You have all the time in the world to do so.   
·Muster support:   You will require some support; words of encouragement and advice from your relatives and friends. A search for a new job can be exasperating, given the time that will go into it. If you have someone standing by your side, things will turn out to be easy.
·Plan your next move:   Do you want to stick around in the same line or do you want to change your career? If you seek to do something different, a career change is warranted. You may need additional time to take a decision, which, in any case has to be in line with what appeals to you. Reliance has to be placed on your intuition and hence, you should spare some time to take note of the guiding voice inside you. 
·Get going with whatever you decide:   The time available with you has to be put to constructive use. You should decide on how much time you will devote to job hunt, including who all you will establish contact with and the numbers of applications you will send out, say on a weekly basis. Whatever be your capacity, you should make certain that you do not get exhausted and for this a daily plan of action will have to be formulated.   
·Recompense yourself:  You can claim to be successful only once you get a new job. But en route to it, there will be several stages that you can regard as attainments. The number of applications that you dispatch and calls for interviews that you get all call for a prize. Reflecting over such developments, you will realize that a change for the better awaits you.
The crux of the matter is not giving up. You should tell yourself that yesterday you dared to struggle and that today you dare to win. After all, you will never be a looser until you quit trying. Keep your face towards sunshine and you will not see the shadows of your past. You should endeavour to make your past better because somewhere an employer is waiting, looking exactly what you have to put forward.

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