Friday 17 August 2012

Success at work

If you glance around yourself, you will see several people who are affluent but apparently discontented – they could well be your near and dear ones, close acquaintances and colleagues. Their unhappiness may perhaps be a cause of astonishment because of their seeming prosperity, which is obviously a result of some element of success attained by them.
So the pertinent question remains, “What is the characterization of success at work?” and related questions are, “Why is success in anybody’s career a tough thing to attain?” and “What are the problem areas in the process of achieving success?”
            If you reflect on the above with an open mind, you will become conscious that practically everybody exists and subsists based on the description of success enunciated by others. It is a known fact that success by itself is perceived and classified by the environment you live in and the people who encircle you; the societal conditions in which you live also have a great bearing on it.
            In our attempts to be successful, the singular point considered by us is what others look forward to from us. We generally ignore what our inner self otherwise prompts us to do, or for that matter, what we genuinely seek. Such contradictory actions lead to futile pursuits and resultantly, breed tensions and we get exhausted. An outcome is that our dedication and motivation levels diminish; and we cannot do justice to our job.
            If you want to taste success, you should understand fully its implication for you. It could well be something inconsequential, but yet worthy of struggle, provided you are able to discern your intention and life’s objectives; and draw out your main concerns.
There is no person who does not have a specific purpose – something that serves to impel all actions, hopes and desires. The world today is plagued with contests and it is expected of you to perform in a specific manner and deliver results. Therefore, you need to determine what is that impels you. Having done so, you are clear and unambiguous in your thoughts; and get set to pursue what you seek to attain.
An example, hypothetical though will put things in the correct perspective. You may have a passion for reading and writing, but your job affords you no opportunity to do so; your leisure also may be consumed for completing assignments that you carry home. Under such circumstances, you need to look for an opportunity or likelihood wherein you are able to work upon that impelling item. In all probabilities, working in a publishing house or as a journalist will be the best option to go with you.
The decision to work in a particular sphere of activity is yours and yours alone. It has to be based on your personality and inclinations. If you know what stimulates and inspires you, every morning will be the best moment of your life, because you will leave for work in high spirits. Over a period of time, you will derive personal satisfaction and which will pave the way for your success.
            Your schedule at your workplace may keep you preoccupied with various tasks at hand, leaving you with little or no time for other pursuits. But you can still find some time to begin on your life’s objectives.
            What you can do is map out your tactical plan, sketch your line of actions and accord precedence to them. These will help you advance towards your objectives. Visualizing, setting and attaining such subtle objectives will give rise to positive feelings in you. You will realize that you are not languishing or rusting, but marching forward in the correct direction. A sense of satisfaction will be felt and in due course, you will be able to attain your life’s objectives.
The important aspect that you should never ever lose sight of is that success is success only if you are able to live your life on your own terms and conditions.

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