Friday 17 August 2012

Your maiden job & you

As you enter a new stage of your life, you are governed by a new set of rules. Now that you have sailed through questioning and discussion phases, your life is apparently on rails. Having been able to get a job that you always aspired for is simply inauguration of your professional life.

You have to gear up to meet head-on a new stage of your adulthood. Explained below are some tips on how to go about dealing with it and triggering positive opening thoughts in others:

·   Punctuality & regularity:    Ninety per cent of wisdom is in being wise in time. You should clutch, take pleasure in and benefit from every single second of your precious time. You cannot afford to be inactive and let delays overtake you. You should understand that punctuality is the soul of any work and that that a daily proclamation evocative of your professionalism will be expected. After all, promptitude is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners and usefulness.

·   Adherence & Conformity:    You have to function in a team, as part of a team and as a team; in doing so, all customs and traditions have to be honoured. You should watch the office ways, how people dress or how they talk. Never afford an opportunity to let anyone tick you off for slackness; on the contrary, you should find your feet in the establishment’s way of life. Your diligence will make your aspirations come true; and that implies sharpening your implements before you get down to work with them.   

·   Alertness & watchfulness:  You should never forget that there are others who have been there much before you; therefore, do not fire your suggestions at them. You need to watch them and put forward your ideas carefully. It will be expected of you to be a great beginner willing to display high flexibility. You should participate in all organizational activities as these will help you gain insight into organizational matters including company strategies and objectives.

·    Tittle-tattling & gossip:   You should not make behind-the back inquiries about others and remember that prudence is a good asset. Remember that gossip is nothing but the Devil’s radio. Excessive involvement in workplace affairs should be avoided because disgruntled elements may try to suck you in politics. You should endeavour to be open to hearing others but not get unduly influenced. Subscribing to what Socrates said will stand you in good stead: Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people.

·   Correct disposition:   There will be quite a few of old-timers who may not show the warmth that you may expect. Be courteous and respectful towards them. You should try to know the names and designations of all people as early as possible as your enterprise will facilitate congenial relationships. After your embedding period is over, you can walk up to your immediate superior to know how he feels about you and take his views with due regards.

At your maiden job, a mysterious panorama will unfold before you. Your work will be to discover yourself and subsequently succumb to it with all your heart. If you aim to have the best prospects and seek not to stagnate, you need to do well on it. And to do well, the only thing that you need to do is to fall in love with it. You will suffer from unanticipated hassles, but there is no career that does not have any.

You should understand that your professional life on which you have embarked upon makes it binding on you to be faultless in your initial days at work. You will be assessed on what you do, how you look, what you speak and how you speak. All these are contingent on your attitude, which, otherwise is a small thing but will make a big difference.

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