Saturday 25 August 2012

Your job – stay on or quit

"Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid."
~ Albert Einstein
Jobs are akin to a hilly terrain; there are ascents and hill tops, descents and vales – implying ups and downs. To suppose that everything will be to your liking, amounts to being outlandish.
Are you on the lookout for a new job? Are you seeking a career change? It could be upsetting and hence calls for preparation and endeavour. But the fact is that you are not chained to your job and you are well within your rights to look for a new one. In case you decide to break yourself free, you need to indulge in some serious contemplations. Here are some questions that you need to answer as related to various aspects of your job before you take a decision:
Field of work
·  Do you find your present type of work exciting or do you feel jaded?
·  Do feel the urge to skip work?
·  Do you acknowledge that you are employed by a fine organization?
·  Are you at ease with your company’s working procedures and operational policies?
Work culture
·  Do you gel with the work culture of your company?
·  Do you enjoy amiable ties with your colleagues?
·  Are transportation facilities available for commuting?
·  Do you have problems traveling to and from your place of work?
Work Timings
·  Are you happy with the number of hours you are required to put in?
·  Can you alter your work schedule?
·  Are you happy in the section you have been placed?
·  Is there a possibility of your transfer within your company to another section?
·  Is your work appreciated by your seniors?
·  Do your bosses treat you justly?
·  Does your concept of a model workplace atmosphere go with your current one?
·  Are adequate facilities provided at your workplace for efficient functioning?
·  Does your current charter of responsibilities match your personality?
·  Does your employer offer you opportunities for training and acquisition of additional qualifications?
·  Does your compensation package match your contributions?
·  Are your remunerations at par with others of your type in the organization or elsewhere?
Individual Front
·  Are you able to strike a practicable work-life balance?
·  Is your work in line with the principles and standards that you stand for?
·  Are you able to optimally utilize your expertise in your job?
·  Do you derive job satisfaction from whatever you do?
·  Are your aims in life and your job in harmony with each other?
·  Does your job offer you adequate chances to attain what you have set out for?
·  What is the degree of protection that you enjoy at work?
·  Do you feel any threat to your job security?
As you move along in your career, job changes will help you attain your career objectives, become financially sound and derive contentment. But frequent job changes will brand you as a rolling stone.
It is your life and you are at the wheels; nobody will ever manoeuvre you to your eventual destination. Whether it is taking a take a left or right turn, or going back one step – the decision will have to be yours. You should remember that it is not the mountain ahead that will wear you out but the grain of sand in your shoe that will.
Do you think that it is the right time for a job or career change now?

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