Friday 14 September 2012

Sustaining your career

“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.”
--- Buddha
Conjecture this – you get up one fine morning and get ready for work rather halfheartedly. The writing on the wall is clear - you no longer like what you do for a livelihood. Perhaps it is time to either take a break or go for a change of job. This phenomenon is not unusual because in present times, an elastic approach towards work and switching over from one profession to another has become common.
Some factors that contribute to sustaining your career are:
·   Commitment:  Any workplace is a group of people who are capable of achieving targets which a single person cannot achieve. This feature is as old as humanity itself. Every person acknowledges that it is really exciting to be part of a team that shares a similar outlook- a team that believes that unity is strength, stands united at all times and moves forward in unison. If you are committed, you can even storm the gates of hell!
·   Standards:  Be it loyalty or truthfulness, excitement or ingenuity, they are all an array of recipes for arriving at resolutions. If we are aware of our values, our decision-making ability gets a boost because they provide us with a frame of reference. And if we have to derive job satisfaction, our workplace atmosphere has to be in concord with our values; if this is not so, the sustainability factor as pertinent to our careers gets diluted.
·   Intrinsic skills:  Every individual possesses an inherent talent and that is precisely why some people are more adept at some things than others. But the irony is that people do not pursue what they actually love. You may do things well, but that does not necessarily imply that you enjoy doing them; consequently, you tend to feel disinterested and eventually fatigued. Pondering over the career option that you exercised vis-à-vis things you are passionate about could well change your life for the better.
·   Having an effect:  Every person, man or woman, young or old, wants to be different and make a difference. Likewise, every organization and company seeks to do the same, which, is evident from their proclaimed visions and missions. This inherent desire becomes prominent when you taste success. If you genuinely seek to sustain your career, you should know that you have an effect. More often than not, all that this entails is having a widened outlook vis-à-vis prevalent circumstances.
·   Persistent learning:  Your head is an astounding mechanism that can execute astonishing acts. The human mind does its best in an expansive mode. This implies acquiring new skills and learning new things and moving towards new horizons. You have to be emotionally and psychologically strong to keep your career going. You must view life as a continuous learning experience and need to think big and chase big.
To find a career to which you are naturally inclined to adopt and then to work hard at it, is about as close to a recipe for glee that the world offers. One of the auspicious facet of this recipe is that if a correct career has been embarked upon, your uphill struggle will do the needful. Your uphill struggle will not be a great effort at all. 
Is it an intricate matter to keep your career going? Not really because all that it entails is adopting a rational approach and display of due consciousnesses while doing whatever you seek to do. Remember that it is the establishment that you work for that will find situations exigent. The difficulty of trial will increase when they concede to these concerns and set the ball rolling to exert a pull and concurrently hold on to the best available talent.

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