Monday 24 September 2012

Why are you jobless?

Have you been unemployed for some time and have failed to get any job offer? Are you dejected and have been cursing yourself and the world for this affliction? Remember that there are thousands of people like you. In fact, unemployment is like a headache - unpleasant and exhausting but sans any explanation of its cause. Just as you need to get up and go to a doctor to become fit, getting a job also requires efforts.
The fact that you are unemployed manifests lack of an outcome commensurate with your efforts. Therefore, it will not be presumptuous to state that any continuation of similar endeavour will not guarantee a positive result. Perhaps you need to be more venturesome and enterprising; indulging in something new is advisable. A bold outlook coupled with a propensity to take risks is what will possibly pay dividends.
There could be a horde of reasons why jobs have been eluding you.  It is likely that you are not exerting yourself adequately or you have great expectations. The major reasons can be determined by asking yourself the following questions; remember your answers will make you recognize your shortcomings and facilitate corrective action:  
·   Do you wait for others to revert to you? You should understand that nobody will ever dole out a job to you. You may have taken pains to draft your resume and applied for several jobs and then have been hoping like hell that you will get a call or email in response. If you have forwarded an application and have not got any response within a reasonable time after the deadline for its submission, you need to get into a chasing mode. You should make periodic enquiries and track each and every prospect and opening; this will reflect your eagerness, zeal and doggedness. It is only when you are informed of a negative decision that you should put it out of your mind. You simply cannot afford to keep passing time in anticipation that a call letter is on its way.
·   Do you feel that the job hunt pertains to only you? Your center of attention should not be restricted to you alone or on your expertise and knowledge, understanding and familiarity. Most people embark upon their job hunt based on this premise and fail in their endeavours. You should alter your mindset and concentrate on the organization that you aspire to join. Their identity, status, requirements and objectives should be of greater interest to you so that you can prepare yourself for the interview and negotiations that follow it.
·   Do you have a mind-set problem? Whatever you think and do manifests your outlook – constructive or off-putting. If you harbour a negative mindset, take it that you may not get the job you have applied for and that the result of your interview will not be favourable. Unemployment invariably leads to certain amount of glumness, but it is important that you take things positively. This can best be done by taking all actions that are necessary and ensuring that you do not get demoralized. Remember that zest and zeal are transmittable; and that they create a stronger impact vis-à-vis negativity in any form.
·   Do you have fixations? A lack of flexibility will adversely affect your job hunt and so will an absence of a bold outlook. Your curriculum vitae should indicate that you keep abreast with various modern-day facets; adding links to social networking sites will help you convey just that. If you feel that you are not well-informed or well-versed with latest applications, undergoing a course to enlarge your knowledge base will stand you in good stead. Besides being conveyed a message indicating your lithe approach, your prospective employer will get to know about your dedication to do well in life.
A person who is willing to work but is unable to find any is perhaps the most heartbreaking vista that kismet’s inequality displays in this world. And nobody can understand joblessness better than a jobless. If you go to bed as a jobless person, the moment you wake up the following day, you should be on a job to find it.

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