Saturday 1 September 2012

Walk your way to career success

“There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.”
--- Napoleon Hill
Is career success yet to be yours? Do you feel that your long wait for it will soon see the light of the day? You should remember that success is a commodity for which you need to work hard to achieve rather than waste your valuable time in anticipating for a miracle to happen. 
All successful men and women possess that invincible quality of determination and perseverance to work against odds. But we tend to suffer from a fallacy that it is their contacts that make them successful. Luck, of course has a role to play, but then fortune always favours the brave.
Career success comes to those who aim for and work hard to attain it. Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top. All that it entails is a plain adherence to the following steps; any departure from it will make the process stretched and time-consuming:
·   Deem that success will be yours:   You should have confidence in yourself and always believe you will clutch success. Put your thoughts on paper as they cross your mind; there are no second thoughts in this game. You should be able to generate for yourself a portrait of your perfect line of occupation and being – something that you can view it whenever you want to derive inspiration and make it a reality.
·   Know the reality:   Once you are convinced of your ability to be successful, make efforts to reinforce your trust with truth. You should discern various actions that you need to indulge in to infuse life in the portrait that you created. This will simplify things for you. You should again jot down pertinent aspects and search for their pragmatic responses. It is then that you will be truly geared up for playing winning strokes.
·   Remain focused:   You should assert your belief to succeed and not lose out on your dedication. Remaining focused has a potency attached to it; you make decisions that matter and impel you to abide by them by altering your very stance and attitude. You will thus set for yourself a rationale and intent. Your commitment will ensure that you grasp all opportunities and not even look at bewilderment that may attempt to impede you. You will remain enthused and that is what matters the most.
·   Chart a roadmap:   With your self-assuredness and dedication firmly entrenched, you need to create a roadmap for attaining success. The actualities and realities unearthed by you should serve to direct you. The roadmap should be divided into segments, which should then be allotted a timeframe for attainment. You should accord precedence to various aspects that comprise each segment of the roadmap and address them accordingly. This will help you always remain on the correct path with appropriate concentration.
·   Do not halt:   You will suffer boredom and monotony may attempt to have the better of you. There will be times when you feel disillusioned when your efforts do not pay visible dividends. The journey towards success is not absolutely smooth; you ought to anticipate bumpy stretches also. If you harbour that true desire to triumph, you have to be in a dynamic mode. It is not essential that you make long strides all through and always; what is important is to keep moving steadily in the correct direction.
The bottom line is that the secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in the mind. In order to succeed, your desire for success has to be greater than your fear of failure. And that success will not come to you on its own; you and you alone has to go after it.       

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