Saturday 17 November 2012

Don’t indulge in self-sabotage at work

There would be several occasions when while at work, you may be knowingly or unknowingly emasculating yourself with your actions and activities. This type of conduct precludes your optimum functioning; in addition your co-workers and others are afforded a chance to disregard you as an individual entity. But if you become responsive to yourself, display determination and take initiative, self-sabotaging behaviour can be played down. Here is what you should do:
·   Understand how you sabotage yourself:  You harm and incapacitate yourself and your reputation by:
ü Focusing on off-putting aspects:  At work, you talk to co-workers; the subject matter, ideas and premises of all dialogues remain unchanged. You concentrate on what is adverse about your circumstances as opposed to what is favourable. Also, the focus is on what is improbable rather than what is feasible.
ü Getting into effort-tendency snares: There is no person who does not have bad working traits; they invariably lead you into snares. For example, putting off for tomorrow what can be done today; deliberate delay in completion of work; slapdash talks and correspondence; and a generally lackadaisical approach to work are not desirable and lead you into tight spots.
ü Paying attention to your jinx: There would be evil eyes around you and who would repeatedly tell you about your incapability and vulnerability. Their mere sight could serve to reduce your self-confidence and consequently disrupt your growth, subconsciously though.
·   Say ‘NO’ to negative conduct:  Having comprehended various ways through which you can sabotage yourself, you now have to decide specific behaviours that need to be built up. You need to understand that there are some behaviours that can be improved with relative ease. For example, your lackadaisical approach to work can be dispensed with but if you have been psychologically afflicted with restrictive ideas, it will be a long drawn-out process to get rid of them. You should always keep in mind how certain forms of conduct can be the cause of your professional downfall anytime. You should pledge your individual honour and vow not to ever put up with any negative actions.
·   Always shore up optimistic conduct:  You need to bring into play support systems that give encouragement to constructive actions and facilitate shunning of negative ones. This can be achieved if you:
ü Take cognizance of self-sabotage: You should become conscious of yourself at the very moment you realize that you are undercutting yourself. If you find yourself landing in a trap or acquiescing to a jinx, you should shake yourself out of them. The best way to boost your own alertness and responsiveness is by giving yourself a pin prick every time you feel that you are reverting to your old mould.
ü Stay away from inducements:  If you detach yourself from settings that promote behaviour patterns which you are striving to alter, you will find that you will perform better. For example, if you have been meeting the same people during tea-break and indulging in condemnation, it will be worthwhile to shift company.
ü Devise methods to encourage positive conduct: You should conceive and formulate ways and means to reduce your negative behaviours. You can advance deadlines to take care of your tendency to postpone things or introduce cushion time in your schedule to cope up with violation of punctuality norms. Likewise, for every negative conduct, you should be able to discern corrective measures.
ü Think about your successes:  You should ponder over your successes objectively; this can be done by going through appreciation letters, congratulatory messages, certificates awarded and discussing them with people who were a part of your triumphant moments.
ü Seek help of a counselor:  If you feel that extraneous factors are continuing to bother you, there is no harm if you seek help of a counselor. For example, if somebody de-motivates you from taking up a particular assignment, it is only a neutral person like a psychiatrist who will be able to restore your confidence to look challenges straight into their eyes.    
You should remember that the source of and way-out from self-sabotage is one and the same – you. If you can gain control over your negative conduct by handling them well, you will be able to let your positive attributes surface and be appreciated by others.

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