Saturday 24 November 2012

Invest in yourself

“I'm learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.”
-- Eartha Kitt
You can live your life in two ways – either go through it or grow through it. The first method will lead you nowhere but the second will, for which you need to invest in yourself. Ab initio, the need for such investment does not find much reason amongst people. But it is an inescapable requirement to be successful in your life and career alike. Here is why:
·   Maximum returns:  You can invest in the share market or buy property. The returns could be high, but true returns come to you if you invest in yourself and bring about an improved ‘you’. That brings opportunities knocking your door and you are able to boost every possible thing that is necessary for your career advancement.. 
·   There is none above you:  Conjecture this – there is a company called ‘Myself Private Limited’ – and you are its whole-sole boss. It is thus your prime responsibility to guarantee your company’s stability and foster its success. How do you do this? You will have to draw up a line of action, act upon it conscientiously and safeguard the investments that you have made.
·   Your worth swells:  You need to create two portfolios. While the first should record all your pecuniary details to include assets and liabilities, the second should summarize all your skills and talents as also obsessions and USPs.  If you invest in the second portfolio, you will be able to augment your net value; and an increased net value will automatically raise your assets in the first portfolio.
·   You become eminent:  If you do not exercise your capabilities optimally, greatness will elude you and this will be disastrous by all counts. You can always appreciate your power of eminence by becoming conscious of your faculties and aptitude; and more importantly by investing in your currently latent but otherwise budding attributes.   
·   You can attain what you dream:  The purpose and objectives of your career and life alike cannot be left to remain in the realms of your desires. A career that is botched up has immense likelihood of upsetting your objectives in life. Your investment in yourself is a true manifestation of your pledge to attain whatever you dream for and which will be brought about by it.
·   You can author your prospects:  It is you alone who has to shape up your career. If you invest in yourself, you will enjoy lucidity of thoughts, supremacy of action and means of enforcement – all for your better tomorrow. However, you will have to be venturesome because a faint heart never won a fair lady.
·   The world is intricate:  Despite the confidence you may have in you and your enthusiasm to go it all alone notwithstanding, you will still need external assistance. Therefore, you also need to identify others whom you can invest in – they will be your friends, philosophers and guides in your way forward.
·   Seeking help is alright:  You cannot carry on with your vulnerabilities forever. You have to be cognizant of your weak-spots; and hence if you get into the mode for self- development and perfection, seeking assistance in areas that are not your forte is always recommended..
·   Time only will tell:  What happens tomorrow can only be speculated. Some day years later, perhaps you will recall your past – good and bad times both. Having invested in yourself, you will feel better poised and confident to take on all the challenges that your career and life have to offer.
·   You are on your own:  In the journey of your life and career, you are unaccompanied and will have to work single-handedly. If you win or lose, the person affected will be you. If you invest in yourself, you stand to benefit because nobody will ever be willing to do so.  

Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life but the lives of others around you as well. Moreover, it will pay you for the rest of your life.

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