Friday 22 March 2013

The falsehood about dream jobs

Prompted by our ambitions and aspirations, we tend to contemplate very seriously on dream jobs. And when we are into it, no time is lost in embarking on a deceptive hunt for another. What is the reason behind this? Is a dream job a reality; if yes, then why search for another one? Or is the perception of a dream job hazy and weird? Why is it an allegoric idea or a figment of your imagination?

Every individual has a different perception of a dream job; they know fully well that none of them can ever satisfy all your requirements and make life a comfortable ride. Remunerative factors and job profile are two major factors for consideration, however, in case if happiness is not there, it does not remain a dream job.

Dream jobs exist only in minds and are dreams so long as there is nothing adverse about them. Should tough working conditions, low salaries and greater responsibilities be imposed, dream jobs cease to be so. Consequently, the deceptive hunt for a new dream job takes off.

Professionals and wise men opine that dream jobs are always just around the corner, provided you recognize and believe in truth. The truths are:

·   Happiness at job is not forever:  You can only derive happiness from your job only if you have a happy disposition. Your dream job cannot guarantee it and may impose agitating moments. Remember that happiness is your discretion – if you want to be happy, you will be so. In fact, it is a state that you would like to be in a couple of years hence and thus is a natural corollary to your desire and anmitions. 
·   Dream job will not be there for grabs:  You can well be satisfied doing a number of jobs. Hence the term ‘dream job’ is not apt. It is quite likely that you will be happy if you give wings to your zeal and fervour. But when your passion gets transformed into regular work, the zeal gradually die down and so doe the happiness that you were experiencing. Opting for unbeaten paths is a trend of current times, but once you walking on it, it is no more a dream. If you blend a job with a leisure pursuit, the result will be a exhilarating cocktail of sorts alright, but will make you feel miserable after some time. You should get into a job that you are at ease with to graduate further to your dream job.  
·   No dream job offers handsome salary:  You may be paid handsomely in your dream job, but this will be an exception rather than a rule. If you have vim in you that attaches a high importance to money, you will eventually have diminished earnings, despite your fondness for the job. There are many people who are passionate about their work and yet make decent amount for their living. The essential point is to draw satisfaction and happiness from work and not bother much about remuneration.  
·   Dream job is a matter of perception:  Yes, it is so; there is no such thing as a dream job because a dream is not an actuality. It is all about how you visualize your job; the discernment varies from person to person. A low-paid employee working in a small setup may also regard his job as a dream job because it helps him to make his both ends meet. At the end of the day, it is all a matter of how you psychologically and emotionally recognize a job. 
·   No job is a dream job:  The belief that an ideal job is a dream job is wrong. A perfect job is one where you have time for various other pursuits too; remaining bogged down with the job routine does not qualify to be called one. Your job conditions should offer you opportunities to be happy, contented and rejuvenated. Simply facilitating meeting all personal obligations is not a yardstick of a dream job; you should also be able to walk around and see the sights your life. You should not have excessive hopes from a job; you have to strike a good balance between your work and personal obligations to live life truly king size.
Facts highlighted above notwithstanding, people still let their imagination run riot about dream jobs. There are numerous contributory causes that make a job a dream job and which, needs to pragmatically considered, before actually taking a plunge.

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