Saturday 13 April 2013

Doing a career changeover

Did you ever see an advertisement for a job that made you feel thrilled? Though the job per se is poles apart from what you are doing presently, you feel that is cut out for you. Since you lack all qualifications spelt out for it, your thrill gives way to some disenchantment. The disappointment, if at all it may be called so should not give way to fear and diminish your self-assuredness; it should not thwart your attempts to apply for the post.
There are occasions when we get bogged down with theoretical aspects of jobs. As a result, we tend to forget that we too possess significant dexterity and which can be reassigned to other appointments. Such expertise generally pertain to headship, tactical preparation and even communication skills. If the opportunity of your dream job unfolds itself, you should regard it as your cup of tea. Thereafter, you must demonstrate that it indeed is.
The vital question is how you can feel self-assured that your advance towards a job that fascinates you will bear fruit. Here are some actions that you must take sequentially to derive the necessary confidence:
·   Do your homework:  Depending upon the availability of time, you should gain as much insight as possible about the vacancy that you fancy as also the company. If you have friends and acquaintances working in similar fields, confer with them about the prospects in general and the profession in particular will equip you better to move forward. They would also be able to apprise you about various issues, including additional qualifications required to enable you to shoulder all responsibilities.    
·   Ask for opinions:  You must have a clear picture about your self and your suitability for the concerned position. Some close confidants could be requested to evaluate you decisively and identify your positive and negative points. This will help you to improve upon your weaknesses. But their opinion has to be honest; otherwise you are likely to presume things. More often than not, such a process is of immense advantage to persons aspiring for senior positions. Hence you should consider the present moment as an opportune one and grab hold of the chance to plan your ascendancy.
·   Evaluate suggestions:  The advice and suggestions that you get can be used to establish the configuration of your strong-points and limitations vis-à-vis the opening. You are thus better poised to better yourself.  
· Identify transferable abilities:  You should view the experience to your credit holistically and pragmatically. You should find out the various ways and means your experience has contributed to your career and based on which you are where you are today. You should also try to consult any prominent personage in the new field that you intend taking up; they will surely help you in your resolve to acquire necessary expertise.
·  Draft your resume again:  You may be having at hand your old resume; it should not be forwarded under any circumstances. On the contrary, it should be redrafted to include how you can make useful contributions and meet fresh challenges, given the experience you have. It may appear to be difficult, but redrafting your resume is inescapable to portray your suitability for the new job in question. It should be noted that some extraordinary achievements to your credit may not be relevant now, however they can definitely be quoted to indicate your qualities of head and heart. You need to project yourself as a good and ideal candidate. 
·   Bash on regardless:  If you have been thorough in your research and groundwork; and done adequate preparation, you do not have anything to be beaten at. It is likely that you may not get that job, but the environment will see in you versatility. You will be viewed optimistically. In any case, you are not jobless, but have before you newer vistas. You should have confidence in yourself and be in a dynamic mode.
Some wise man once said that nothing is work, unless you would rather be doing something else. The key to happiness lies in finding out what one is fit to do and to securing an opportunity to do it. Remember that opportunity dances with those who are ready on the dance floor. 

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