Monday 8 April 2013

Let your career grow

Do you feel perturbed at not being able to move forward in your career? Do you feel envious of those who have moved on? Do feel that you have reached a dead end of your career? If yes, you need to look within yourself and see where you have been erring.

It is quite likely that the sense of full-stop that you have been experiencing is due to your own shortcomings. Surely, you do not want to suffer anymore. And the good news is that the full-stop that has come to be put on your career advancement is not indelible. Some potent guidelines to progress in your career are:

·   Acquire more legerdemain:  It is essential that you keep acquiring skills and knowledge on a continual basis. Besides participating in company sponsored training programmes, you could also subscribe to courses on your own.

·   Admit your lack of knowledge:  There is no harm in admitting anything that you do not know or not conversant about. Never ever try to feign knowledge.

·   Be enterprising and ingenuous:  You should display ingenuity and take venture. Actually, you ought to perform all tasks without being reminded.  

·   Be devoted and trusty:  Integrity demands that you remain loyal to everybody – your seniors, colleagues and juniors alike. In addition, you must always keep your organizational interests above everything else. 

·   Do not lose your fortitude:  You must display tolerance and calm at all times. You cannot take things for granted and expect to get a raise without performance.

·   Perceive the larger mosaic:  You should be clear about issues at the macro level and understand what your company’s aims are. Not only that, you have to contribute meaningfully for their accomplishment.

·   Take on additional tasks:  You have to send signals to the environment that you possess the ability to shoulder greater dependability. Therefore, you must take on additional tasks on your own. In other words, you should do more than what is usually required to do.

·   Display accountability in your actions:  You must understand your liability for all your actions. In case you commit a mistake, be bold enough to own up and if you do anything that is deviation from norms, express regret for it.

·   Contribute to interior economy:  Avoiding wasteful expenditure is in organizational interest. You must look for methods to rationalize existing practices and increase profits

·   Never decline tasks that are not your charter:  Shirking away from work, particularly when it does not happen to be a designated one will never be appreciated. You must try to take on jobs that people want to stay away from.

·   Be considerate and reverent to others:  respect begets respect. Therefore, you should never shrink from propriety in dealing with your seniors, colleagues and subordinates. Similarly, company clients also have to be treated with due respect.

·   Bestow accolade on others:  Your team may do a good job and you get commended for it. You must share the pat with each and every member of your team. Doing so will motivate them more and in the long run, you will stand to gain.

·    Do not give refuge to rancour:  Cordiality and subtlety on your part will hold you in good stead. You should not take any action that can offend others or bring an end to relationships unpleasantly. A humble disposition will pay you good dividends.

·   Think of solutions to your predicaments:  You will have problems and you will need guidance. But never throw the ball in your boss’ court; be a part of the solution.

·   Do not be reluctant to seek help:  You simply cannot afford to do everything on your own steam. If you require help of any kind, do not hesitate to seek it else things may get out of hand.

            The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will. Do not just dream of success, you must remain awake and work hard at it. And most importantly, you must work without pretence; remember that there is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.

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