Friday 26 April 2013

Your career - Hitch your wagon to the star and seize success


There are three rules of success. The first is “Go on”; the second is also “Go on’; and the third is “Go on” as well. These rules apply to your career as well.

Are you holding your horses waiting for success to come by? Do you suppose that if you pass time hoping that success will come your way, it will indeed come? Success is not a commodity readily available in the market and that whenever you desire, you can get it. Any subscription to this thought process is futile; you will be at an advantage if you exert yourself trying to achieve success instead of wasting your prized time twiddling your thumbs.

Men and women who taste success take initiative. They are self-assured and determined in all their endeavours. Most people do not take a leaf out of their books and assume that having an influential contact will make them successful. They also believe that success is related to good luck, little realizing that successful people author their own destiny.

If you have to hitch your wagon to a star, you have to follow a set procedure that entails hard work, determination and prudence. It involves the following imperative actions:
·   Have confidence that success will kiss your feet:  Self-confidence and self-conviction are extremely crucial building blocks. You must always think that your success is just around the corner. You have to believe that your objectives are your cup of tea; this can be facilitated if you reduce them to writing precisely in the same manner as their images cross your mind. You must build a portrait of your perfect career and intently study it on a regular basis to discern if it stirs you up. Remember that conviction is intrinsic and you have to occasionally plow and break ground to get it to surface.
·   Make sustained efforts to ascertain factual details:  The confidence in you has to be supported by actualities. You need to discover particular actions on your part that will make the portrait of success authentic. Issues related to investing in your career and acquiring additional qualifications need to be holistically considered to get the type of remuneration that you seek. You also need to examine if money is your sole criteria or whether other aspects of your life need to be bettered. If you jot down your queries, you will automatically find their responses. And it is only then that you can get into a fast-forward mode.
·   Make attaining success an obligation:  There are three schools of thought for achieving success - come what may, it will happen; making attempts to achieve it is worth it; and that some time in the future, but God knows when that it may happen. Making success an obligation is a powerful resolution and for that you have to fix on it accordingly. You will have to concentrate your all your efforts towards it so that your attitude provides you a positive rationale and intention. It is normal human tendency to avoid binders, but in this case the binder is puzzlement which definitely needs abandonment.
·   Have a line of action:  Once you are stanch, you will need to make a route chart to move towards success. The factual details that you have gathered will have to be made use of. You must split your plan into smaller ones and which will have to be appropriately embarked upon. It all entails making a record of actions required to be undertaken by you and according precedence to them. Actions that bring about a waste of time should either be left to others or discarded. Distractions will try to derail you, but then your plan can help you get back on rails.
·   Do not get bogged down:  There will be occasions when your motivation levels are low and you feel that your efforts may not be commensurate with the outcome. There is nothing unusual about this because the journey of life is never a smooth ride. But you cannot afford to get bogged down; you will have to deal with all doubts pragmatically. You have to inch forward; one step at a time to reap good dividends.
Remember that winning stems from itself. The start point is your thoughts and actions. And thereafter, it is essential that your focus stays intact; that is the underlying principle of success. Remember that you will never be able to cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

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