Saturday 4 May 2013

Attain professional success

Most people do not spare time to see what their career means to them and how they can succeed in it. Nobody achieves career success as a matter of coincidence. Professional success is contingent on various factors, including good luck to some extent.
If you have a vision, you will be able to sustain success through perseverance and periodical evaluation. Ten guidelines that will make you ride successfully on your career path are:

·   Have objectives:  You cannot achieve anything unless you plan for it. You need to consider all issues comprehensively to infer what your preferences are before you enunciate your career objectives. Characteristically, you should look at what you intend to attain in your life – it could be pertinent to your physical wellbeing, monetary aspirations, domestic relationships, professional associations and individual growth. And your career objectives have to be in harmony with such aims. 

·   Evaluate your advancement:  You should cardinally take stock of things periodically and not be unclouded with regard to the effects of your actions and reactions on your company’s pursuits. The consequences of your personal attainments should be discernible. In quite a few cases, something that you regard as a trivial advancement has a momentous effect on organizational growth.   

·   Don’t shy away from seniors:  Frequent interactions should be undertaken at your own initiative to meet your seniors. You will thus be able to strike a good equation with them.

·   Widen your contact base:  The degree of success that you achieve will be contingent on the influence exerted by various people you know. Therefore, it is essential that you muster support from your seniors, colleagues and juniors alike. You should aim to carve out a name for yourself so that people get to know you. Taking on additional responsibilities is one such step that will help you in this regard.    

·   Be resolute:  You have to be tenacious and your perception has to be clear, though you may face occasional impediments. You should convince yourself that you are worthy of success and take corrective measures to boost your confidence. As a matter of practice, you should concentrate on what you have brought to successful conclusion rather than how you went about doing them.

·   Sell your success: Self-promotion is necessary to harvest success Your personal achievements should be acknowledged by your higher-ups. Remember that recognition and commendation are quite often not apportioned truly; and hence you should blow your own trumpet diligently.  

·   Improve your dexterity:  Experiences are meant to serve as lessons. Thus, every assignment that you complete or crisis that you manage will offer you something new to learn. Even meeting new people gives you knowledge. Continuous learning is vital for your individual advancement; and hence, you should make certain that you enhance your strengths and reduce your vulnerabilities.

·   Create a crackerjack impression:  You should try to be a true professional in every sense of the word. Whether it is your attire, conduct or company, you have to accord priority to them. Remember that others will judge you on your credibility and professionalism. Hence you must know how likeable and confident you are; and make all-out efforts to improve the image that you portray.

·   Inspire others:  Whatever you have in your mind should be conveyed appropriately to those required to be told. You should master communication skills to be able to inspire others. Effective communications also call for good listening abilities. You also need to be adept at facing audiences and giving presentations, including impromptu ones.

·   Guide & be guided:  You should find a friend, philosopher or guide who could be looked upon for guidance. The counsel that you receive will help you in overcoming hitches. Simultaneously, you should also endeavour to guide others junior to you. This will help you to promote yourself.   

The world is such that being good or bad does not matter; all that matters is who is on the top. It is important that you believe passionately in what you do and never knowingly compromise your principles. You should act like a true professional - aim for true excellence – and success will follow.

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