Saturday 4 May 2013

Acquire the right job skills

“Today, many companies are reporting that their number one constraint on growth is the inability to hire workers with the necessary skills.”
---- Bill Clinton
What is the meaning of ‘job skills’? They can be described as individual capacities and flairs of employees that help them in carrying out all job-related assignments. Most of the skills are extensive and encompass eloquence and crisis management; however, for different professions and jobs, they are diverse.  Most job listings enumerate skills necessary as part of qualitative requirements; and prospective employees respond by highlighting their aptitudes in their resume or applications.
Some pertinent aspects about job skills are explained in the succeeding paragraphs.
·   Rudimentary skills:  Quite a few job skills are inherent in individuals as a habit. Good listening abilities, following directions, implementing orders and capacity to withstand stress and strain of work are very vital skills for attaining success. In recent times, a functional knowledge of computers has also come to be regarded as an important skill. It is taken for granted by employers that employees possess these skills and hence are not listed in job advertisements. Upon assuming their appointments, employees are able to take off based on their knowledge of these skills.
·   Specific skills:  When jobs are advertised, specific skills necessary for the performance of duties are spell out. They could be leadership qualities, computer proficiency, ability to gel in multicultural environment, innovative inclinations, physical attributes and negotiation capabilities, etc are examples of such skills. Specific job skills can be presupposed to be terms and expressions that are qualifying in nature and explain how various tasks are performed by successful employees.   
·   Previous exposure:  In a number of fields, a previous exposure to similar work can well be an indispensable job skill. Individuals who are exposed to similar jobs are time and again competent to carry on or to enhance their range to fresh openings. Most of the vital job skills can be transmitted and have applicability to a horde of situations. It is up to the employers to specify experience as a prerequisite or infer the same from the core competencies acquired from different jobs executed that applicants list in their curriculum vitae. 
·   Gaining skills:  Job skills are acquired over a period of time – starting from homes, schools, apprenticeships and jobs. Most of them get sharpened with experience. Any experience stands an individual in good stead in that they imbibe qualities like responsibility, accountability, dependability and tenacity. All hirers generally discern job skills in a summative manner by also giving due consideration to personal conditions and previous employment.  

·   Skills practicum:  Individuals who have to make great effort with rudimentary skills or job obligations generally participate in skills practicum. These are practical training events wherein basic training in various facets is imparted. Such programmes are open for public subscription, particularly those who have not been able to get a break.

·   Curriculum vitae & skill management:  There are some job skills that have evident display capability; however, there are few that call for deliberate amplification. Your resume is the best platform for their display. If there are special skills to your credit, like interpretership capability in another language or knowledge of a subject that showcases you for another position, the same need to mentioned appropriately. Their mention will help you gain advantage over other applicants for a job.
·   Hands-on continual enhancement:  More often than not, job skills of workers increase progressively with experience. There may be stipulated prerequisites that have to be compulsorily acquired; however, it is assumed that the longer an employee serves in an organization, the more adroitness he would acquire. In quite a few instances, skill development is just an aspect of doing things repeatedly. But it is also an issue of tutelage because gaining knowledge from others is the best method to enhance own expertise; the fact is that life is too short to learn everything by personal experience.

A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals. Confidence can get you where you want to go, and getting there is a daily process. It’s so much easier when you feel good about yourself, your abilities and talents.

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