Friday 14 June 2013

Become a workplace luminary

The greatest beating that a man can suffer is to fail to achieve something that he or she is capable of. And if you live a life of smugness, you deprive yourself of prospects to live it king size. You have to be unparalleled at work and who people should try to emulate. That is how you will attain distinction.
While raising the level of your thinking and working towards giving it shape is inescapable, you must also reflect if your endeavours and priorities in life are in consonance with each other. Remember that your efforts will always manifest your life. There are three categories of people – those who impel and actuate situations, those who are simply observers and those who are content with slumber but when knocked out of it, gape around to know what transpired. You should invariably try to be a member of the first category.
You have to understand that your life is a reward that presents opportunities at every stage; and you have to seize them. People around you should see you in admiration. Towards this, you should launch efforts to transform downbeat issues into upbeat ones; and ensure that actions also include ones that convey your devotion to your work and concern for your coworkers. In other words, you have to display appropriate leadership qualities. Some specific actions that you make like to take are:
·   Set objectives that serve to teach you:  Smart persons always set objectives from which they derive learning experiences. These objectives could well be participation in training events, acquiring new skills and developing new habits, etc. These objectives could be spread on a daily, weekly or monthly basis so that you remain inspired at all times.
·   Become a VIP in your field of work:  You should excel yourself in your current position to an extent that your services become very crucial to the organization. Whenever a project comes up, the only person capable of executing it and whose name that comes to the mind of the management should be yours. You can ensure this by identifying three to four mainstay capabilities and then making efforts to hone them further. You will thus stand out in the crowd and resultantly become central to all organizational pursuits.
·   Initiate collective learning activities:  Training your subordinates is your responsibility. Thoughts and views matter a lot vis-à-vis routine functions; a solitary idea can make your team reach zenithal heights. And ideas come out best during training and experiential learning events.
·   Add value to your work:  Indulging in something significant is what everybody tries to do so that some value is toted up to our work. You should visualize the superior connotation of your current work and leave no stone unturned to augment its usefulness. You will thus be able to carve a place of esteem in the minds of others.
·   Conduct yourself like a true champ:  You have to be earnest about attaining tangible supremacy over your functions. You have to maintain highest levels of physical and mental robustness. In addition, your attire has to be perfect and your conduct exemplary. That is how you will succeed in making known your steadfastness to achieve distinction in both your life and work.  
·   Take time out to reflect:  Today, it is a queer irony that our preoccupations have touched the sky. We remain so busy that there is no time left for leisure. Leading a hectic life serves no purpose, particularly when it is mechanical. You have to take time off to ruminate and introspect so that you draw lessons from your experiences.
·   Convey gratitude & recognition:  You should identify someone who has perhaps originated a professional vivacity that you would like to follow. Meeting and interacting with such a personality can indeed be motivating. Alternatively, talking over the telephone or establishing contact through the internet can also work. Gaining practical knowledge from your ideals will always stand you in good stead.
Excellence is a slow but sure result of always trying to do better. It is all about doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. If you make up your mind to imprint a superior quality mark on everything that you do, sooner or later, you will be workplace luminary. You will encounter no speed breakers and no speed limits on your career road.  

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