Monday 21 October 2013

Enhance your dependability on the professional front

Do your employers or colleagues place their trust in your steadfastness and faithfulness? If there is even a small element of doubt, you are not fulfilling any objective or intent.
At any workplace, capriciousness and untrustworthiness are the most ruining tendencies. To be successful at work and in your career, irrespective of the position or experience that you may hold, your seniors, peers and subordinates have to rely and bank on you. In any organization, howsoever small it may be, undependable and anecdotal employees are not seen to be contributors to team efforts and success. To be popular and successful, you should be dependable; people should perceive you as an individual who would go all out to live up to all words given.
The ABC of getting rid of the career-restrictive tendency to be unreliable and untrustworthy is in the acronym ABC itself:
·  Actions:  All your actions should be undertaken with thoughtful planning, particularly those that you have volunteered for or are obligated to do. While planning, you should not set unattainable objectives because you run the risk of failure for which only you will be pointed fingers at. Since you cannot expect to have everything going tickety-boo, having some cushion in terms of time and resources will help. And this may even lead to performance in excess of expected level and hence you will make a bigger impact. 
·  Blunders:  To err is human and one should expect to mistakes – be they procedural or circumstantial. While we may all seek to excel, chances are always there that we may not attain desired standards of performance. The corrective actions that you institute are important and hence, you should invariably be sincere enough to deal with all such problems immediately. In case of you inability to rectify your mistakes, there is nothing wrong in rendering an apology; however, there should be no let-up in setting things right. And if you get stuck, do not attempt to cover yourself up; taking onus will project you in correct light. Introspection to discern the possible causes of your blundering action will help in precluding repetition.
·  Candour:  If you pledge to do anything, you should not retrace. Failing to live up to your word will destroy whatever little trust that people may have bestowed in you. Remember that trust is like a mirror; even if you fix it when it is broken, the crack will always be visible. Therefore, if you promise to do anything, the insinuation is that you are offering an undertaking in your individual capacity to take it on to the best of your capability. And if you are unable to keep your word, you will be remembered for breach of trust. Your promise is a sort of pact and its fulfillment will never be overlooked, but its non-fulfillment will not be forgotten for times to come. There, before committing yourself, you should make certain that you weigh all the nuances associated with it, including what it involves. In case you feel that the time available or aspirations are unworkable, you must say so. You may seek to put your competence to test, but definitely not to a degree where you run the risk of a breakdown. 
Dependability implies following through on our commitments. This means that we ought to
do whatever we say we will do. If people see us as dependable, they will count on us and when they count on us, we will also count on ourselves. Dependability is one of the fundamentals and an important one of teamwork and cooperation. At any workplace, your dependability will support your individual progress and allow you to be venturesome with an understanding that your colleagues will also be likewise if you stumble. 
            If people place reliability in you, it in no way means that you are highly capable or faultless. It simply means that people feel assured in your aptitude and rectitude. And it is upon these attributes upon which relationships are nurtured. It goes without saying that undependable professionals have to struggle to move ahead, both at their workplace and career.

Dependability is one of your best assets as an employee. Dependable employees make impact and are often given promotions. When you lack dependability, it makes it easier for your employer to consider you as a dispensable individual. Therefore, it is inescapable to overcome this career-harming habit. You must seek to not be admired but be believed.

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