Monday 21 October 2013

Make a master plan for your career

In the current times, when a career has become a rat race, it is quite an off-putting fact that people do not understand the nuances of career planning. The issue of career planning entails a cautiously planned process intended to facilitate achievement of objectives in a selected line of work. With intense competition and emerging job tendencies, the need to do proper career planning has assumed greater significance than ever before.
The foremost question is why it is necessary to have career objectives. Discerning and choosing them are inescapable for arriving at a conclusion regarding what you intend doing to sustain yourself. A career objective puts you on the correct course and encourages you to attain whatever you seek in your work-field. You should not be found wanting in your efforts.  
In the light of the above, your career objectives will gyrate around your particular job arrangement or arena. They will be contingent on your desires and the methodology you use to fructify them. As an individual out to get a job, you ought to be unambiguous about the pros and cons of various pursuits – education, technology, finances, administration, fine arts, vocational endeavours and law, to name some of them.   
            The process of formulating your career objectives facilitates exploring your inclinations, talents, expertise and capabilities – both latent and otherwise. While electing to decide on a particular career, you will have in front of you a plethora of prospects. Your career objectives serve to direct you on to the correct pathway and prevent you from taking circuitous routes or switching jobs. Having decided on a career, it is essential that you also decide a pragmatic approach to advance your career and realize your objectives. The entire career planning process is cyclic and has to be affected on a continual basis so long as you remain in work.
The second important issue is to understand aspirations; and if you fail to meet them, the related disenchantment that may follow. When you set objectives, you look forward to positive results. The results that you anticipate serve as inspiring factors all through your career advancement. While attainment of objectives or part thereof, will you give you feelings of pleasure and achievement, any failure is bound to disillusion you too, something that has to be anticipated too.
Another aspect is the start point of career planning and the methodology for it. Career planning essentially is set in motion when you start gathering information and make efforts to remain posted about the environment that prevails as pertinent to employment. The data base that you generate helps you in formulating your objectives and a line of action for their attainment. Therefore, if your data base is extensive and all-inclusive, you will be better equipped to plan for the accomplishment of your objectives.    
There is stiff competition in the employment market. Hence, it is more than inescapable to acquire additional qualifications and improve your skills. Attending training courses, participating in relevant colloquiums and expanding existing contact base are some ways by which you can do them. You also need to be cognizant of coping with various perilous situations and pressures generated by them. These factors are essential components for sustained career advancement.
The significant aspect is the importance of career planning to you. You should always bear in mind that it is not a ‘just once’ practice. It is a process that goes on and on till such time you remain in an employment – to include any pursuit even after you have superannuated. Only then, can you have true career advancement. You will have to apply mid-term corrections as warranted, depending upon fluctuating conditions.  
You will be failing in your efforts if you assume that your career journey will be a smooth ride. You must expect bumps and cater to negotiating them too. All solutions have an element of advance planning, which you need to dovetail in your career planning appropriately.

The most significant facet of career planning is its impelling attribute. You are encouraged to hitch your wagon to the star. However, you have to be at the wheel and acquit yourself with confidence. Your career advancement and career planning are like the two wheels of a bicycle; both of them have to be in motion when you pedal.

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