Tuesday 19 November 2013

Have a career break

Everybody needs a break to re-energize and rejuvenate. The break could be a simple day of rest, a change of location or a change of work. Though it is not practicable to leave a job, but if you are contemplating a break, you will have to prepare by mulling over various alternatives, including leaving a job and utilizing the time at your disposal to advantage.
It is not essential to have a pause in your career; it is not always an option. The reasons could be several – retrenchment, domestic obligations or health grounds. There will thus be voids in your job profile. When you intend leaving a job, your stance will be comprehended by your employer only if you convince them of your capacity to hop in again. Your persuasive assertions will manifest your determination to stay abreast with all latest developments in your line of work and remain in touch with everybody with whom you have been associated with.
What are the career break options at your disposal? You may want to take a break and travel around the world or go to a secluded hill station and relax your mind and soul. There is nothing wrong in the idea, though many people may not approve of it and term you as unduly brash. But then, they do not appreciate your craze and passion in life. And you know this pretty well too. However the fact is that taking a career break is an unusual affair and this does not mean that you quit your job bizarrely. A professional departure is essential and that calls for an active consideration of your career break alternatives, which could be:
·   Quit alright, but have some money flowing in:  If you take a pause in your career, it does not mean bidding adios to your work forever. You should seriously reflect on some income options like authoring articles, taking up part-time teaching assignments or any other freelance pursuit. And a decision in this context should be arrived at before you actually leave your job.
·   Taking time off to fulfill domestic obligations:  You may have responsibilities to discharge – caring for parents, siblings, spouse or children could be on your mind. It is necessary that you explore and examine all choices at your disposal. It is possible that you could be sanctioned long leave, albeit at reduced pay. However, if you have envisioned that you will be out for an extended period, you must ensure that you leave civilly so that you stand a chance of rejoining. The best way to ensure reasonable chances of getting back is to keep in touch with your colleagues and everybody else. There is no point in quitting without a warm handshake.
·   Leave the competitive struggle but have arrangements in place:  You need to make appropriate preparations if you intend getting out of the race for some time to pursuing anything that you have been craving for. The arrangements that you make to ensure that you do not get derailed should be fool proof. The price tag for each should be thought of in advance. In case you leave these important considerations for a later date, you will find that the rejuvenation that you were seeking will give way to botheration.  
Considering the fact that taking a career break is an important judgment that entails scheduling, conviction, nerve and scheduling, you may consider various aspects; some major ones are:
·   Going on an exploratory journey or a mission-oriented voyage.
·   Taking up an overseas employment.
·   Getting into a work that entails pleasure trips.
·   Joining a social service organization.
·   Learning a foreign language.
·   Acquiring additional qualifications.
·   Pursuing a hobby like music or photography.
·   Authoring a book.

The sky is the limit as far as opportunities, prospects and options are concerned. But is you alone who knows what you want to do and accomplish. Since you do not live twice, nothing should deter you from living a life in another world, where you will be the king of kings. Whenever you feel that the time is apt to step back into the existent world, do so with the same confidence that you displayed at the time of departure.

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