Tuesday 19 November 2013

Trouncing career challenges

Are you in a fix because of career problems? Is it that you have not been able to embark on something in your career that you have been aspiring for? Or are you a victim of circumstances, too scared to take stock of the situation and have reconciled to whatever has happened? Or do you recollect the good old days and earnestly yearn that the clock is turned back – something that is precluding you from marching ahead?
Nobody wants the going to be tough, but difficulties by themselves make you tough and prepare you to face them. However, given a choice, we would adopt the easy way.
There are thousands of people who are being thrashed about in their careers and they wish for additional things, all diverse and dissimilar. There is no miraculous remedy that can salt away their worries. But there is one solution – they need to be forward looking and industrious. You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind; you have to sweat it out. Once you start sweating, you start moving closer to your objectives; nobody can drown in his own sweat. So, how do you take the first step? Here is how you can get started:
·   Don’t think that the going will be easy:  If you anticipate hurdles, you will not be taken by surprise when some come your way. On the contrary, you will take appropriate actions to negotiate them. Your response will be mature and befitting. It has been seen that the past and the present hardly bug anybody; it is the way you have responded or are responding that bugs. So, you have to discern how you are addressing your worry. Worries will be there and they will make you off-guard; they manifest the fact that you are being tested and that you are moving forward. Moving forward signifies progress and you are worthy of it, problems ab initio notwithstanding.
·   Clinch & squeeze your challenges: If you encounter tests and trials in your career, remember that they are not there without purpose. The discomfort that they bring about indicates that things are not tickety-boo. It is possible that you have been an escapist but now you are at a stage when action is warranted. If you turn a blind eye to a problem, its magnitude increases and hence it is essential that it is resolved at the earliest. When faced with challenges, you ought to be more strong and spirited, though they are not without anxiety and discomposure. But the flip side is that you become more self-confident and self-assured once they are overcome. Therefore, you should not get petrified when stuck; the true you that you intend becoming should surface.
·   Have an open mind: Do you have a feeling of bond with what is likely to follow? If that be so, your move ahead will be tough. You should be clear in your mind that the plan you have put in place has been originated by you and that it will materialize. You would like to have complete control over the results and contribute in all the proceedings, but this may not always be possible. You should not bother about the outcome too much, but when things unfold for the better, you will be amazed. You should hope for the best and anticipate that you will be better poised for success and that it will be yours.
·   Remember that time is a mending agent: When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Initial hurdles that may seem insurmountable get to be managed well as you move along. They become a part and parcel of your work and over a period of time, their intensity decreases. You should prepare yourself to discover a new furrow and a new schedule. Occasionally, you may feel as if you are directionless, but as you move ahead, your consternation will plummet.

If you work slowly but constantly, you will succeed better than if you work fast for a short while and do not continue. Your aim should be to be in a dynamic mode always and be confident that everything that unfolds will be in your favour. 

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