Saturday 18 January 2014

Building a meaningful career

A meaningful career implies one that offers you a profound and telling working life. It ought to have a momentous effect on your career and concurrently great weight in your life. Is it possible to build a career that is truly consequential? The answer is ‘Yes’.

But how do you do that? You need to perform a few actions for self-evaluation and self-estimation; exercise some deliberate and on purpose picks; and value and be pleased about what you have to tender to be able to build an indeed meaningful career. These are explicated as under:

· You must know yourself well:  The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself. The better you know yourself, the better will be your standing in the world. And you have to know yourself to improve yourself. You may take a look at yourself with some seriousness and you will be able to discern who exactly you are and where you aspire to be. However, if you happen to get confused, you should take help from a career counsellor who will evaluate your personality and recommend measures for a meaningful career. The inescapable requirement is to be fully aware of your principles, standards, concerns and whatever you have on your plate. This consciousness will help you exercise apposite career options; the selection undertaken by you consequently and consequentially steers you towards a meaningful, focused and decisive working existence.        

· You must make on-purpose choices:  Your future is contingent on the choices that you make today. In fact, making a choice is a characteristic of wisdom. It is the choice that you make shows truly what you are, far more than your abilities. Therefore, when you are out job hunting and an offer of a job is made to you, rather than accepting the maiden one, you need to evaluate it before taking your decision. The same goes for every job offer as also for a promotion. The prime imperative is to be in command of yourself and your career; and should things be the other way around, a meaningful career will elude you. The satisfaction and contentment that you derive when you make a choice on the basis of your set objectives is much more vis-à-vis a choice prompted by apprehensions, despair or anxiety. While it may not be always possible to do so centred on perfect conditions and circumstances, you can always exercise caution and act prudently.   

· You must generate a support arrangement:  When you inch forward towards a career of your choice and supposedly an ideal one, you need to be certain of support arrangements. These arrangements have to be positioned at various point in your career journey. The easiest method is to have someone who all along has provided encouragement to you and stood up for your career objectives; you will find the going easy moving in their direction. Since, the going cannot be expected to be eternally smooth, you should be mentally prepared for holdups. But the support structures that you have in place will render negotiation of such hurdles easy. In addition, they will also serve to remind you of your long-term objectives when you go astray or get stuck.

· You must utilize your talents optimally:  Every single soul on this earth possesses inherent or may be latent flairs. Your effort should be to make choices or select projects that are in consonance with your aspirations an also permit optimal utilization of your aptitude and abilities. Remember that arenas outshining are people specific; and hence, the more you utilize your exclusive or distinctive talents, the chances will be more for you to have a meaningful career. Evidently, you will make useful contributions in your company and besides being lauded for your good performance, you will also derive feelings of tremendous fulfilment for having made use of your intrinsic endowments. 

· You must understand & prize what you have:  Your ideal career may be a thousand miles away and so would be your cherished position. While you may appreciate your accomplishments so far, you also will have to continually remind yourself about them so that you stay driven and inspired. After all, your career is an ever-changing and ever-developing course and hence, even if your final objectives are distant from your present set of circumstances, there is every likelihood that will learn tremendously from the place wherever you are today.

It is very difficult to beat a person who never gives up. So, you need to make a pact with yourself to not give up. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going and a meaningful career is no exception. Work hard and you will surely succeed because no one has ever got drowned in sweat.

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