Friday 10 January 2014

Leaving a job on a cordial note

Surveys conducted have revealed that over one-fourth of professionals have switched jobs more than once during the last five years. It has also been inferred that over fifty per cent of employees in any organisation are constantly on the lookout for better pastures, their current jobs being apt considering all parameters notwithstanding.

Today, work force, irrespective of their positions, suffers from feelings of instability and hence are compelled to embark upon newer career paths. If that be so, resignations from current jobs has come to be a very common feature of the career landscape. The issue is whether people quitting their jobs at the drop of a hat should do so with an element of prejudice or resign with grace.

You never know when your current company or people under whom you are serving can come to your aid in the future. This necessitates the need to leave on a cordial note and in a professional manner. If you are planning to leave your present job, you need to weigh things in the current perspective and consider various factors holistically before arriving at the ultimate judgement. Resigning from a job is a delicate decision and calls for legerdemain of sorts. The following aspects need special focus:

· Convey your decision professionally:  Your decision to leave should be conveyed tactfully and everybody required to be kept in the loop informed. Your immediate boss ought to be told before anybody else followed by your colleagues. Under no circumstances should the information reach your bosses through other channels

· Provide adequate notice period:  You should go through relevant company policies and familiarise yourself with the process. You must give adequate notice period and leave your company in the lurch as it would amount to back-stabbing. If propriety calls for serving a bit longer, doing so will boost your friendliness and facilitate the handing-taking over process.       

· Communicate your decision in writing:  You may communicate your intent to leave verbally, but you must invariably follow it up in writing. Your resignation letter should be concise and diplomatic; and should serve as your desire to maintain good relationships rather than an opportunity to protest.

· Complete all assigned tasks:  Your efficiency will be spoken about much after you are gone if you leave no task unfinished. Even after you are relieved, if necessary, you should not be reluctant to spare some time on odd days to help in finishing incomplete tasks.    

· Hand over your charge meticulously:  You need to make certain that each and facet of your work is recorded; this is applicable to assignments that have been completed or are still underway. This will facilitate the handing-taking over process and create a positive impact on your successor; and for which again, you need to prepare a detailed document.  

· Try to arrange your substitute:  Whether your departure will create a void or not, it will be an act of favour if you help in finding somebody to replace you because it is you alone who understands your work the best.    

· Seek acquiescence for references:  You cannot afford to wait for a time when it becomes necessary to notify a reference. The time available with you after submitting your resignation should be utilised to solicit acquiescence in this regard.

· Don’t be censorious: You should make it a point to quit on a very cordial note. It is necessary that you do not indulge in any disapproving behaviour. For all you know people whom you speak ill about today will be in a position of influence tomorrow and you may have to approach them for assistance.

· Bid adios to co-workers:  Any abrupt departure will project you in poor professional light. You must make certain that you meet all your colleagues and accentuate on the good moments spent together. However, you should also ensure that no references are made to your new salary structure or perks. It is also in good taste to leave your address and contact details behind; the same will help you expand your networking.

Quitting your job can be a liberating encounter and a way to commence walking a new career path that leads to more satisfaction. However, the action of leaving is not as simple as relocating to different city. You should leave with poise, decency and lot of respect so that you still remain open to various alternatives and depart on a tinge of cordiality. If you leave on a pleasant and warm note, you will always be remembered by your company and should a situation arise, you will be welcomed back into its fold.

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