Saturday 15 February 2014

Bidding adios to a nerve-racking job

Do you happen to be in a job that is devouring you? Do you feel that you are remaining worried unnecessarily about your work? Is your work killing you?

The stress that prevails in your life because of your work need not persist forever. You can definitely institute some measures in your life and work routine to affect a reduction of stress in them; however, they may not lead you to your dream job. But you will surely find more elbow space for yourself and be able to generate a life that has been your vision or fantasy.

Here is how you can liberate yourself of the tensions, hassles, strains and whatever that tends to make you worry:

· Job dependence decrease through expenditure decrease:  There are several ways you can reduce your dependence on your job. It basically implies controlling your expenditures so that you learn to subsist with less. The luxury of modern lifestyle has made certain comforts a habit and necessity; you must get over them. You should refrain from indulging in unnecessary expenditure and doing away with those that are not offering you much except perhaps a status symbol. Remember that your money is your valued possession and you should spend it with care.

· Job dependence decrease through income supplements: Here again you have several ways available to you. You could exploit your talents to make extra buck – if you sing, performing at a club can make your income go up. Likewise, if your writing skills are good, you can author articles for newspapers and magazines; the honorariums that you receive will be good. You could also take to private tuitions in your spare time or do away with domestic helps.

· Discuss issues with your folks at home & friends:  Everything may not be encouraging to start with; you may even run into disapproval of your actions. You should not be disheartened with the initial opposition and hostility; instead maintaining an upbeat outlook all through and through should be your focus. If you are candid and sincere in conveying your envisioned plot; and incorporate them in your scheme of things, you will find that their backing will be forthcoming. It is essential that you describe to them the way your present job is prejudicing and damaging your life; and how starting a new life will help you and others stand in good stead.

· Look for a new job or earnings attuned with your life:  The new job that you may get into may perhaps not necessarily have to be your dream job. If you are convinced of your capability to get into a job that is ideal in all context, there should not be any reluctance on your part. Your aim should be to say goodbye to your current job that happens to be devastating you and your life. In this process, you will be able to consolidate your plan and remain on rails for years and years hereafter. Issues like working hours and fresh experience being gained should always be on your radar screen.

· Resolve whatever you want your life to be:  This essentially implies discerning whatever makes you feel exultant and contented. In consideration of these aspects, you should deliberate if you need to continue with your present organisation or seek a lateral transfer. You may like to become an entrepreneur and hence it is essential that you do some introspection and internal contemplation.  In this context, it will be appropriate to delve back to your years at high school and recall something that you aspired to do but was prevented from doing so. Perhaps, now it is the time to take off from that point.

· Plan & strategize for your future:  You could have been neglecting your career plan and not had time to add on additional qualifications. Or perhaps all these years you have been a bit too extravagant and not saved much for a rainy day. You need to formulate a concrete line of action for your future; this would compulsorily entail interacting with people in fields of your interest and discerning what all does such an effort involve. You will be amazed to learn that you may be suffering from fallacies and wrong notions with regard to various qualitative requirements; and that given your current qualifications, you can still get into a field of work that inspires you.

· Get going with all earnestness:  You should get into a dynamic mode and move ahead in small steps in attaining your objectives. All that you need to do is give yourself an undertaking and simply work hard to live up to your pledge.     

In your quest for happiness at work, you should constantly refer to your hopefulness and vision. Do not ever reflect on your exasperation; instead think of your unexploited abilities. But remember that anything that is worthwhile is achievable only through hard work and there is no substitute for it.

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